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Hamas attacking Israel


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17 hours ago, Ilunga said:


Seriously brother you shouldn't make statements that you know are simply untrue. 


I am glad that after nearly a couple of millenia without a homeland, suffering persecution, the Jewish/Israeli people have found/ made a state of their own.


What I do have a problem with is hypocrisy.

People who apply a criteria to one group of people, while not holding another group of people to that same standard. 


As I have stated many times, for years I wanted a two state solution.

This has changed.

My wish would be a one state solution where both Palestinians and Isrealis live in peace and harmony.


My ultimate dream is a one world state.

Where all people realise that we are all in this together.

That we don't fight pointless wars, were the real victims are always the innocent.


That we treat the flora and fauna we share this planet with, with the respect. 


That we are all intrinsically linked.


And it isn't just in this thread I have stated these thoughts. 


Who has posted about Isrealis helping Palestinians brother ?

I have 

Not any those who support Isreal.


Who posts about Isrealis and Palestinians working together for peace. 

I do.


It's very clear what my agenda is to anyone that thinks in a rational, logical manner.


Great dreams. Meanwhile Israelis are dealing with the reality of Iran and it's terrorist proxy armies. 



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5 hours ago, Boudrias said:

Was it not the Golan Heights that the Syrians launched their tanks in the 1973 war? It was BiBi who brought his tanks from the south to beat off the Syrians who came close to reaching the Med and splitting Israel in two. I cannot see any Israeli government turning the Golan Heights back, especially to those determined to kill every Israeli. 


I'm pretty sure Bibi didn't command tanks. He was always a member of Sayeret Matkal, which is one of the top special forces in the world, following in the footsteps of his brother, Yoni, who was a commander of the unit in Operation Entebbe and who was the only Israeli commando killed in that operation. Bibi led a commando raid to Syria, but I'm pretty sure no tanks were involved in that one. Tanks are too big, heavy and loud for the special forces.

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3 hours ago, RomanPer said:


I'm pretty sure Bibi didn't command tanks. He was always a member of Sayeret Matkal, which is one of the top special forces in the world, following in the footsteps of his brother, Yoni, who was a commander of the unit in Operation Entebbe and who was the only Israeli commando killed in that operation. Bibi led a commando raid to Syria, but I'm pretty sure no tanks were involved in that one. Tanks are too big, heavy and loud for the special forces.


Cannot take the instinct out of tha guy...

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4 hours ago, Taxi said:


Great dreams. Meanwhile Israelis are dealing with the reality of Iran and it's terrorist proxy armies. 




I would rather be a dreamer, a person who promotes peace and harmony between people, than someone like you, who is a liar, who doesn't even have the moral or intellectual courage to admit when he is wrong. 

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6 hours ago, Ilunga said:


I would rather be a dreamer, a person who promotes peace and harmony between people, than someone like you, who is a liar, who doesn't even have the moral or intellectual courage to admit when he is wrong. 


Oh, for crying out loud, get real. Everyone around you is a liar and you are the only one white and fluffy... Must be nice to be convinced that you are always right and have that moral superiority over everyone else...

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14 minutes ago, RomanPer said:


Oh, for crying out loud, get real. Everyone around you is a liar and you are the only one white and fluffy... Must be nice to be convinced that you are always right and have that moral superiority over everyone else...


@Taxi has accused me 3 times making false claims, when I have provided factual information from credible sources to back up my claims.


He also claimed that I denied that the Jews/Isrealis had long ties to Isreal when literally the page before I had mentioned the first and second temple amongst other historical ties the Israeli people have to the land.


He then refused to admit he was wrong when he accused me of this.


Where have I stated anyone else is a liar roman ?

Where have I stated I am superior in anyway to anyone ?


I never have. 

I am not superior to anyone in anyway.



As usual you make up things as you go along.


Your continued personal attacks illustrate that you are in the wrong.

Rather than provide rational, logical arguments, you attack people.





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Netanyahu planning to fire Gallant and then replace IDF chief, Shin Bet head — report 


File - From left to right: Defense Minister Yoav Gallant, Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu, IDF Chief of Staff Herzi Halevi and Shin Bet security services Director Ronen Bar at a special operations room overseeing a mission to release hostages in the Gaza Strip, June 8, 2024. (Shin Bet security service)


Citing sources among Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu’s close associates, Walla news reporter Tal Shalev says the firing of Defense Minister Yoav Gallant “is not a matter of if, but when.”


Speaking on the Kan public broadcaster’s main evening news program, Shalev reports that Netanyahu wanted to can Gallant when he returned from his visit to the United States, but the planned dismissal was held up by Hezbollah’s deadly attack on Majdal Shams and the killing this week of two terror chiefs.


She adds that there are sources in Netanyahu’s circle who say that after replacing Gallant, the premier then plans to axe IDF Chief of Staff Herzi Halevi and Shin Bet head Ronen Bar.


The reported goal of firing of them would be to eliminate opposition to his handling of the negotiations for the return of hostages seized by Hamas on October 7 and their charges that he’s risking a deal, instead elevating officials in their place who would be dependent upon him and do his bidding.


The report notes that opposition New Hope leader Gideon Sa’ar’s name continues to be floated as a potential candidate for defense minister, despite his denials, but Shalev says some of Netanyahu’s associates have reservations about Sa’ar — a former Likud member who previously challenged him unsuccessfully for the party’s leadership — and that there is talk of a possible general cabinet reshuffle to create the appearance that the prime minister is not just giving Gallant the boot.

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2 months ago Israel attacked the Iranian consulate in Syria to take out (by memory) a Hezbollah leader. To which Iran responded with 300 plus missiles and drones directly on Israel.  Israel's ''reply'' to show strength was a single targeted attack in Iran which took out one of the launch sites for those 300 missiles. Bolton's point was taking out one of dozens of launch sites was a piss ass, ok he used the term ''weak,'' retaliation which served no show of strength. 



Bear in mind?  Hezbollah has launched 6500 missiles, all supplied and directed, paid for by Iran.  Israel has not played strong arm with Hezbollah so far either.  They have taken out, or assassinated leaders. But...


They are both much more successful blocking, think Iron Shield, both the 6500 Hezbollah missiles, as well as the 300 odd Iranian ones. Plus tens of thousands by Hamas. They also, see Gaza and, cough Ismail Haniyeh, are much better and more efficient and targeting sites when they do attack. 


Bolton believes Israel gave in to, peace, pressure from Biden.  Should have reigned terror on all the launch sites from Iran 2 months ago.  Thinks America should be sending just as strong a message.  Cut bait on Houthi, think heavily Syrian Rebels directly attacking American interests as well as 30/20 years of Hezbollah & Hamas attacks on our allies. He is more diplomatic about saying it.  Less diplomatic about saying;


This is all about Iran trying to make a power play on all Middle East domains.  Allies or otherwise.  He thinks Iran should simply be crushed...



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Hindustan Times is reliably in on the strategic pulse for Israeli plans?  


Yes I am saying its a bad source.  This does sound like Bibi's style?  It does beg the question?  Where is the Iranian response to Haniyeh's assassination in Tehran?



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