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Hamas attacking Israel


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2 hours ago, Boudrias said:

Israel does what it has to survive. Apologists for the massive failure of surrounding countries that directly or indirectly support Hamas and Hezbollah talk about Israeli attrocities. When people in Lebonon, Syria, Jordan, Eqypt and Gaza start shooting these terrorists then maybe I will sympathize a little more. Iran is the brains behind what remains of the terrorist orgs shooting rockets. At some point there will be a showdown with them as well. Much of what we hear from the press and the UN is BS.  


Apparently it's easy to convince religious terrorist groups to like you. Who knew? Israel just isn't trying apparently.



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12 hours ago, Sharpshooter said:

Force will be met with force. 

What’s the alternative then? Is the real alternatives perpetual force? 

You have to wonder.


If Germany, France, the UK and America gave Ukraine the same kind of Carte Blanche with the weapons they give them as the did ISrael, if Russia would still be standing.


But we won't make that comparison here.

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11 hours ago, SilentSam said:

 And nobody in Lebanon or Palestine says anything..


                    fighting under international law starts by wearing a uniform to identify yourself.

         Any idea why these countries love the Burka? 

      If your not wearing a uniform and you’re fighting,  you’re a terrorist..


if this in your home ,   You are a target .








So in essence, Israel knows effectively where the weapons are, who is shooting them when they are shooting them and can remove the threat any time they want?


Then...why aren't they?

Seems a bit odd that they do not remove the existential threat before it happens repeatedly when they have this knowledge and are known to have one of the best if not the best intelligence network in the world in regards to monitoring their enemies.

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22 minutes ago, Warhippy said:

You have to wonder.


If Germany, France, the UK and America gave Ukraine the same kind of Carte Blanche with the weapons they give them as the did ISrael, if Russia would still be standing.


But we won't make that comparison here.

Wouldn't Putin just press the nuclear button in that case?

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9 hours ago, Warhippy said:

You have to wonder.


If Germany, France, the UK and America gave Ukraine the same kind of Carte Blanche with the weapons they give them as the did ISrael, if Russia would still be standing.


I do ask this question myself, not sometimes, many times.


* Russia is of course a much bigger existential threat than Iran? Is the closest I can come to an educated guess...

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21 hours ago, SilentSam said:

Hopefully confidence rises and more if this happens.

                   IDF  are cracking them.




I applaud this action.  Its dangerous, but the Druze have the advantage of being familial communities. 


Below, it is an Israeli news report, it suggests many do not agree with Hamas in Gaza?  Ultimately someone has to stand up to them like these Druze.


As hard as it is when your kids go to the same Mosque as Hamas in Gaza? Gazans (somehow) have to stand up & not accept that militants fired missiles from the top of apartment buildings. Or control streets instead of police. Lebanese need to restrict Hezbollah from moving weapons within the 20km security zone agreed, when Israel last fought a major war with Hezbollah. Even worse, accept the 9000 fired, mostly from this agreed security zone.


Where is @Scottish Canuck 2.0?  Just a question; are you aware that the Lebanese army itself has only been involved in one specific battle that took place against Israeli armies in the 2006 war?  Not even all battles from that war; just one. Or that the Lebanese army was not involved in any of the other battles and positioning statements; via terrorist or military attack? In over 30 years. It is important to recognize this is a war against Hezbollah, not Lebanon. Lebanon armies themselves are almost never involved; and Hezbollah is not a proxy of theirs. Yet they need to police their nation?


I acknowledge, call for, Roman can attest many times; that Israel also should restrict and police many abhorrent incidents.  Specifically settler related, expanding settlements themselves and violence to Palestinians and religious centers. I could list them, but you will find many here in this thread. Including some that critique how Israel has carried out battle.  My core statement is that when both sides restrict themselves within justice? Peace has an opportunity!


In any case; the more people against any terrorist approach the better. I hope this report below is largely true!  It also suggests many Gazan (now) would accept a 2 state solution; not the militant view that Israel has no right to exist. 



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Here is some Geo Politic stuff.  Somehow I do not see them coming to side with Egypt or S Arabia any time soon.


Iran's new President has made public statements that the Muslim world should be like the EU.  I am not sure I caught shared economies & currency? He did say that borders & values should be open; like moving from within the EU without a passport for any citizen of a Muslim nation.


It is code everyone should interpret Islamism as he reads it!  Don't be fooled there is a liberal new force in Tehran.


So what does this stance about Afghan refugees say?  Or more, that there are 2 Million Afghan refugees in each of Pakistan & Afghanistan. How baad the Taliban must be to its own people? That they go to Iran where minority Muslims are killed by 'Morality' police. Out of the sh!thole & in to a steaming pile beside the border...



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15 hours ago, Warhippy said:

So in essence, Israel knows effectively where the weapons are, who is shooting them when they are shooting them and can remove the threat any time they want?


Then...why aren't they?

Seems a bit odd that they do not remove the existential threat before it happens repeatedly when they have this knowledge and are known to have one of the best if not the best intelligence network in the world in regards to monitoring their enemies.

Have you not been paying attention? Israel is literally striking hundreds of Hezbollah weapon sites every day. 


They didn't do it earlier, because you can't hit them all at once. So if you take out 10% in a day, Hezbollah launches the other 90%. 


Israel has been slowly weakening Hezbollah for years. With Russia and Iran unable to restock Hezbollah, due to their own issues, Israel knows that Hezbollah is at its weakest right now. 

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8 hours ago, Canuck Surfer said:


I applaud this action.  Its dangerous, but the Druze have the advantage of being familial communities. 


Below, it is an Israeli news report, it suggests many do not agree with Hamas in Gaza?  Ultimately someone has to stand up to them like these Druze.


As hard as it is when your kids go to the same Mosque as Hamas in Gaza? Gazans (somehow) have to stand up & not accept that militants fired missiles from the top of apartment buildings. Or control streets instead of police. Lebanese need to restrict Hezbollah from moving weapons within the 20km security zone agreed, when Israel last fought a major war with Hezbollah. Even worse, accept the 9000 fired, mostly from this agreed security zone.


Where is @Scottish Canuck 2.0?  Just a question; are you aware that the Lebanese army itself has only been involved in one specific battle that took place against Israeli armies in the 2006 war?  Not even all battles from that war; just one. Or that the Lebanese army was not involved in any of the other battles and positioning statements; via terrorist or military attack? In over 30 years. It is important to recognize this is a war against Hezbollah, not Lebanon. Lebanon armies themselves are almost never involved; and Hezbollah is not a proxy of theirs. Yet they need to police their nation?


I acknowledge, call for, Roman can attest many times; that Israel also should restrict and police many abhorrent incidents.  Specifically settler related, expanding settlements themselves and violence to Palestinians and religious centers. I could list them, but you will find many here in this thread. Including some that critique how Israel has carried out battle.  My core statement is that when both sides restrict themselves within justice? Peace has an opportunity!


In any case; the more people against any terrorist approach the better. I hope this report below is largely true!  It also suggests many Gazan (now) would accept a 2 state solution; not the militant view that Israel has no right to exist. 



I'm not sure what you’re expecting me to say, nor do I understand what your point is. At no point have I insinuated that Lebanon itself has been in direct conflict with Israel. I replied to a post regarding the simplistic claim that “Muslims are taking over and took advantage of the Christians” when it wasn’t true, and grossly simplified the political situation in Lebanon. I haven’t defended Hezbollah at any point, nor will I.


Israel may not be at war with Lebanon, but they have zero regard for their people or their lives. They make zero effort to protect civilians, as they (quite deliberately) failed to do in Gaza.


Peace will never have opportunity as long as Netanyahu and his right wing supporters are at the wheel. They breed hate and encourage the atrocities and violence against Palestinians that you mention, in both Gaza and the West Bank. I have no doubts that these people do not want a two state solution. They want rid of Palestinians completely.


I’m well aware that Netanyahu and many of the right wing coalition are strongly disliked in Israel too and that you cannot tar an entire nation with the same brush, but until he’s ousted there won’t be an end to this war. If there’s any justice he’ll see a jail cell, be it for his crimes at home or at The Hague.

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It certainly does not appear that Iran is searching for peace:


3 hours ago -

Iran's Defense Minister Aziz Nasirzadeh called on Muslim countries to take more decisive action against Israel. "Muslim countries should not merely settle for condemning Israel," he said, urging them to sever political and economic relations and expel Israeli ambassadors to "pave the way for its destruction."


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8 hours ago, Optimist Prime said:

It certainly does not appear that Iran is searching for peace:




Convenient of Iran who hides behind it's proxies; pulling puppet strings.  


Now wants other Muslim countries to take action? It's not new.


How much do they enforce their proxies to do their bidding?  In 2016 the senior commander for Hezbollah troops in Syria since 2011. Who climbed ranks inside their organization, among other tasks by assassinating the Lebanese prime minister Hariri in 2005.  Complained Hezbollah Lebanese were used as cannon fodder. For renewal of a friendly Asaad regime for Iran. Mustafa Badreddine, demanded to see Iranian troops side by side with Lebanese Martyrs. 'It should not be solely our blood?'


He was assassinated by agreement of current leader Nasrallah & then lead Iranian General of the IRGC Soleimani. These bastards take out their own elected prime ministers @Scottish Canuck 2.0, that is how much they represent security for Lebanon! Promise, last dig, by the way. To ensure compliance within their own ranks; Hezbollah actually to take measures to exonerate Mossad for this, which they were originally blamed for. The message was absolute terrestrial control through the ranks, or the throats of you and your family will be slit. 


In any case; Iran happy to demand that Lebanese kids are brainwashed & beaten, sent to war instead of Iranian troops.  All you have to do is pay off a few corrupt leaders. 


7 hours ago, Bob Long said:


"muslim countries"


until the world is rid of governments led by religion we won't see an end to this conflict. 



Bob; remember that when you go to court you are still asked to put your hand on the bible.


Led by one religion?  With a belief all other religions should subjugate themselves?  Now we're talking. 


Effectively its first about extremism, dictatorships. A lack of tolerance, acceptance of other beliefs and rights. Regardless of Trump, who I don't believe is religious, except to himself, Napoleon or Genghis Khan. But I know what you are saying; zealots use religion as a control mechanism. The difference between insurrection and revolution is rights for all, versus rights for me...


Its an easy warning signal! 

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1 minute ago, Canuck Surfer said:


Convenient of Iran who hides behind it's proxies; pulling puppet strings.  


Now wants other Muslim countries to take action? It's not new.


How much do they enforce their proxies to do their bidding?  In 2016 the senior commander for Hezbollah troops in Syria since 2011. Who climbed ranks inside their organization, among other tasks by assassinating the Lebanese prime minister Hariri in 2005.  Complained Hezbollah Lebanese were used as cannon fodder. For renewal of a friendly Asaad regime for Iran. Mustafa Badreddine, demanded to see Iranian troops side by side with Lebanese Martyrs. 'It should not be solely our blood?'


He was assassinated by agreement of current leader Nasrallah & then lead Iranian General of the IRGC Soleimani. These bastards take out their own elected prime ministers @Scottish Canuck 2.0, that is how much they represent security for Lebanon! Promise, last dig, by the way. To ensure compliance within their own ranks; Hezbollah actually to take measures to exonerate Mossad for this, which they were originally blamed for. The message was absolute terrestrial control through the ranks, or the throats of you and your family will be slit. 


In any case; Iran happy to demand that Lebanese kids are brainwashed & beaten, sent to war instead of Iranian troops.  All you have to do is pay off a few corrupt leaders. 



Bob; remember that when you go to court you are still asked to put your hand on the bible.


Actually you can choose not to do that.


1 minute ago, Canuck Surfer said:

Led by one religion?  With a belief all other religions should subjugate themselves?  Now we're talking. 


Effectively its first about extremism, dictatorships. A lack of tolerance, acceptance of other beliefs and rights. Regardless of Trump, who I don't believe is religious, except to himself, Napoleon or Genghis Khan. But I know what you are saying; zealots use religion as a control mechanism. The difference between insurrection and revolution is rights for all, versus rights for me...


Its an easy warning signal! 


Zealots are behind most of the terrorist activity we see now. They are the ones against women's rights. They won't accept peace. 


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This speech is much better than the, kind of, misleading headline?



He calls for UN security council reform among other things. African representation on the UN security council & other much needed reforms.


Not that I would place S Africa as that representation.  He does specifically call for a Palestinian state beside, not instead of Israel. I personally object to the way they have brought their concerns to the ICC.  Not because Israel is without faults.  Due to such demands simply being made only of Israel.


Its not enough to condemn Oct 7. Even to call for return of all hostages, which he did. Or call for a Palestinian state.


Its fine to ask for a ceasefire, but there is zero mention of how Palestinians can establish such a state interacting with those around them. (Israel)


Oct 7 happened first. ''We call for Hamas to put down their weapons, return hostages!'' In return for a ceasefire from Israel to result discussions for longer lasting agreements.



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9 minutes ago, Bob Long said:

Zealots are behind most of the terrorist activity we see now. They are the ones against women's rights. They won't accept peace.


I agree wholeheartedly Bob; as mentioned its an easy warning signal!


When someone is against someone else's ability to have rights! 


I also support your right to not put your hand on the bible.  Or do so. 



In Palestinian circumstance; I support their right to live in their homeland, the homeland of their fathers, and their fathers fathers. I am actually quoting that d!ckhead Abbas in the UN yesterday. But did not miss that Abbas did not mention Jewish rights to live there. Nor any mothers or wives funny, not really, enough? The PA was positioned for a two state solution 2 & 1/2 decades ago. Was actually positioned by many surrounding states, S Arabia, the US and UN to be the intermediate administration taking over self determination for Palestine. S Arabia a, cough, somewhat more natural partner for them, also Sunni, than Iran? Regardless of what people think of the Saudis, this is a huge missed opportunity! Saudis also willing to normalize. I guess that Hamas & Iran tried to assassinate him last December in Jerusalem has him back on party lines...


Palestinians need someone who calls for peace. Speak openly about non violent existence beside Israel. When we get that, peace will be closer...






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