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Hamas attacking Israel


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3 hours ago, Canuck Surfer said:

Has anyone seen @RomanPer lately?




This happened a little while ago. i know the shop, used to live near it.


Totally disagree with the owners here. He should have been charged. But they probably thought he was cute so .... halo-effect.

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20 minutes ago, bishopshodan said:


This happened a little while ago. i know the shop, used to live near it.


Totally disagree with the owners here. He should have been charged. But they probably thought he was cute so .... halo-effect.

In canada, the victim doesn't decide to press charges or not. The authorities do. never the less, with our clogged legal system if the owners weren't willing to go through the rigamorale of appearing in court then there was less likely chances at a conviction and ultimately would have wasted everyone's time and money. 
I am also somewhat thinking the unspoken part is he paid them off to make it go away.

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17 minutes ago, Optimist Prime said:

In canada, the victim doesn't decide to press charges or not. The authorities do. never the less, with our clogged legal system if the owners weren't willing to go through the rigamorale of appearing in court then there was less likely chances at a conviction and ultimately would have wasted everyone's time and money. 
I am also somewhat thinking the unspoken part is he paid them off to make it go away.


I ran a group of liquor stores DT Van.

Had mulitple break-ins....even some armed hold-ups.

Cops really just take your lead on charges. As you imply, hard to get any real charges to stick and the police are too busy in general.


That said we pursued a lot of our thiefs, we wanted the reputation of a tough group to steal from and we earned it. 

Most crimes of this nature in Van are commited by a smaller amount of people than the public think. The re-offenders. 


The guy in the vid was likely an entitled coked up prick. 

I am of the belief that if all store pursued charges, then maybe the system would have to address the log-jams. Crime should never go unpunished. 

Edited by bishopshodan
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12 minutes ago, bishopshodan said:


I ran a group of liquor stores DT Van.

Had mulitple break-ins....even some armed hold-ups.

Cops really just take your lead on charges. As you imply, hard to get any real charges to stick and the police are too busy in general.


That said we persued a lot of our thiefs, we wanted the reputation of a tough group to steal from and we earned it. 

Most crimes of this nature in Van are commited by a smaller amount of people than the public think. The re-offenders. 


The guy in the vid was likely an entitled coked up prick. 

I am of the belief that if all store persued charges, then maybe the system would have to address the log-jams. Crime should never go unpunished. 

it really is smaller groups than the public at large would think. I know. There is a pretty heavy shoplifting ring in Duncan BC, nearby my place, and I was thrilled last month to see 7 cop cars in the TD Bank and Shopper's Drug mart strip of shops parking lot. I was at the drive thru bank machine and 6 patrol cars were there, with about 9 officers and as i finished up a bigger paddy wagon (is that a racist term, invoking the Irish flatfoot? hrmm) showed up to cart away the thieves, about a dozen altogether, presumably from inside the Shoppers.
It is a small town to be honest, and most of the faces of these people being arrested I have seen in Superstore up to no good too. I am hypervigilant by nature and I was not surprised in the least. One of them had the previous week taken meat out of their jacket and put it back when i approached from behind wearing a vest with a pseudo official looking crest on the left breast pocket, haha. It is a Point Zero black vest, and the crest has a PZD or something on it... hahaha... i spooked them into thinking i was store security, but all was doing was reaching past to grab some wieners. But i digress...

it is well known that this small ring of thieves have a swap meet set up to sell and exchange their goods with the tags still on them mostly. About time the cops nabbed them. 

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6 hours ago, bishopshodan said:


Thank you.


So there was no UN Teacher directly involved?


That was kinda what i was criticising with my good friend Boud's post. 

I’m not going to claim one way or the other about those who were with sinwar since I don’t know. But all official UNRWA channels (Facebook, X, website) wear a mourning black ribbon today. Probably just a coincidence… Screenshot from their X account, taken by me just now.



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1 hour ago, RomanPer said:

I’m not going to claim one way or the other about those who were with sinwar since I don’t know. But all official UNRWA channels (Facebook, X, website) wear a mourning black ribbon today. Probably just a coincidence… Screenshot from their X account, taken by me just now.




I googled it and this site says that they have had the black ribbon since October 22, 2023.


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3 hours ago, Optimist Prime said:

Both things can be true, or in this case, maybe both things can be not true.


If the bodyguard had a passport belonging to a UN teacher, and that same UN teacher turns up later in Eqypt, both these things can be true.


THe funny part for me is I can tell you exactly which names on our forums will think the former is true and exactly which will think the latter is true. 


This is just another bone for us dogs to fight over in the fenced in yard we call the CFF forums. lol


Edit: The back and forthing on it completly buries the lead news: Yaya Sinwar is dead. This is a benefit to Israel, a benefit to the people of Gaza and a benefit to all of humanity. Most of us will agree on this point, regardless of if we support Israel or not. 

it is a sideshow at best to argue if UNRWA has been infiltrated by hamas or not based on someone elses tweets. Look at real evidence provided in real documents over time and do some real research. it is obvious to me. You are free of course to have your own oppinions, but backing them up with tweets is in no way a proof of either direction.


Again, the UNRWA wasn't found in Sinwar's bodyguard, it was found on Sinwar himself. 



" UNRWA teachers passport was found on Sinwar, it's holder is reported to be in Egypt " 



There has never been  source stating that Sinwar's bodyguard had anything to do with that passport, in any way.


And again, the truth matters. 

You are right, the main thing is that Sinwar is dead.

The UNRWA has been infiltrated by Hamas'. 

However it's BS like this, on who the passport was found, that make people question the veracity of people who make claims that aren't true. 


As for what's actually true.

Going by the Times of Israel, who I use regularly in this thread as a source, and trust, the passport was found on Sinwar, and the original holder of that passport in now in Egypt. 

This has nothing to do with any personal bias, it's because a news organisation with a reputation for factual reporting/credibility, has reported this.

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2 hours ago, Ilunga said:


Again, the UNRWA wasn't found in Sinwar's bodyguard, it was found on Sinwar himself. 



" UNRWA teachers passport was found on Sinwar, it's holder is reported to be in Egypt " 



There has never been  source stating that Sinwar's bodyguard had anything to do with that passport, in any way.


And again, the truth matters. 

You are right, the main thing is that Sinwar is dead.

The UNRWA has been infiltrated by Hamas'. 

However it's BS like this, on who the passport was found, that make people question the veracity of people who make claims that aren't true. 


As for what's actually true.

Going by the Times of Israel, who I use regularly in this thread as a source, and trust, the passport was found on Sinwar, and the original holder of that passport in now in Egypt. 

This has nothing to do with any personal bias, it's because a news organisation with a reputation for factual reporting/credibility, has reported this.

I really don't care about the minutia of details, can't we just be happy that this murderous scoundrel is finally gone and Gazans and Israeli's alike will be free from him?


The unrwa card has zero to do with the larger issues.

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1 hour ago, Optimist Prime said:

I really don't care about the minutia of details, can't we just be happy that this murderous scoundrel is finally gone and Gazans and Israeli's alike will be free from him?


The unrwa card has zero to do with the larger issues.


You may consider the detail " minutia ", others don't. 


Does focusing on the truth make me any less happy that Sinwar has been held accountable for his actions ?

No it doesn't.  


We have had a poster " suggest " that UNRWA members are wearing a black armband, mourning the death of Sinwar.

This is how misinformation spread.

Plant an idea and watch it blossom in the minds of people who want to believe it.

Thankfully another posted the facts about why they are wearing a black armband, and how long they have been wearing it.


As I have stated so many times, I want the truth.

That's what I believe in.


And as for the larger issues, the pro Israeli supporters only want to deal with the larger issues they are concerned with. 


What about Jewish/Isreali terrorism in the West Bank ?

What about the IDF using Palestinians as human shields ?

Those are very large issues.  



People want to hear from voices on the ground.

I have posted about this organisation in the past.

Breaking the Silence.

Ex IDF personnel speaking out about what they did while in the occupied territories.


This video goes right back to the start of the organisation.


As these ex soldiers detail, the crimes Isreali armed forces committed against Palestinians were in many instances command decisions.

They also talk about how they came to realise that how they wre treating the Palestinians was wrong.

That they wouldn't want to be treated like this themselves.




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4 hours ago, bishopshodan said:


I googled it and this site says that they have had the black ribbon since October 22, 2023.


You are right, I only noticed it today, since I don’t visit them on regular basis. Still, there’s plenty of evidence over the years to know they are not innocent bystanders.

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1 hour ago, Optimist Prime said:

250ish words replying to my question "can't we just be happy sinwar is dead and Gaza and Israel are free of him", and at no time in there could you just say yes, you are happy he is dead. 


It gets hard to want to read when it's the same thing for the 500th time. 


Also, if the side you are not on is called by you "the Pro-Israel side" it alludes to a not so pleasant name for the side you consider yourself to be on. I know you, but not everyone does. We are all pro peace, and we need to keep that in mind. There was no need to reference another poster in your reply, I am unsure why you chose to include a sentence berating them, in the context of your sentence above it, it comes across in a way I am sure you dont intend.


Have a good night. We all want a lasting peace and prosperity for all in the region. With Sinwar dead,  that moves one step closer to reality.


I have already posted that I am happy that Sinwar is dead.


I stated that the Palestinian people are better off, the Isreali people are better off, the middle east is better off and the world is a better place now that he is dead.


I didn't know I had to keep on stating this. 


I acknowledge that Palestinian terrorists should be held to account.

I wish that others in this thread stated they want Isreali/Jewish terrorists to be held to account. 


Was watching Defiance again the other night.

The story of the Bielski Brothers.

It's on a bit of a loop on SBS World movies. 


Tuvia Bielski stated he would rather save rather save one old Jewish woman than kill ten Nazi soldiers. 


The brothers saved hundreds of Jews, hiding in the forest.

Today, the children and grandchildren of those survivors number in the tens of thousands.

Those people would not exist if it wasn't for their efforts.

Think about that. 


I have more admiration for people who save lives, rather than take them.

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Grover; I believe most things that get whispered as the most gruesome from either side in war.  Recommend the doco series Screams without Silence. 


Reporters, allowed to see on condition of names, places be respected were shown footage of the Autopsy and Forensic evidence. That doco above has a long interview with the head of the forensic team, and survivors. 1st respondents, hospital workers. I also posted UN reviews noting there was clear evidence of rape & sexual violence. 


* Women were found in numerous place & circumstances surrounding the dance party attack.

* Some with no pants and shot in the head.    

* Not sure what you think happened?

* Others shot in the vagina & with their boobs cut off

* At least two; one found dead (the German tattoo artist) had been paraded through Gaza naked, in the back of vehicles.

* Numerous interviews of abuse of hostages.

* Posts of female soldiers, badly beaten & alive as hostages to spread fear.

* Families that interviewed husbands, then killed after or taken hostage & children were forced to watch rape.


I don't want to go in to more. You also posted some 'wow just wow' misinformation articles about the impact of Oct 7 not being so bad? 'Friendly fire by Israelis was responsible for many of the deaths?' Most rape survivors almost always do not wish to go public with their experiences. Relive it every time someone recognizes them.


If you wish to be taken seriously, respected in this thread denials like such will not go far. At all.

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7 hours ago, grover said:

WOW! Just WOW! That's the biggest piece of zionist propaganda that I've seen (although, admittedly, I try to avoid it).


The fact that the UN, Human Rights Watch, Amnesty International, and Save the Children (among others) all do not condemn this should be a huge red flag...

Weren't you the one stating that since the UN didn't name Hamas or Hezbollah as terrorists mean they are not terrorists? 

Therefore (by your standards), the fact that the UN did not condemn this means it must not be propaganda.... Or does the UN condemning something or not only matter when you agree with it?

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9 minutes ago, SilentSam said:

  The Lions Roar at the entrance …


surrender or die .





Great that the Hamas people are surrendering. Does their surrendering (and not dying in what they’re programmed to believe: the martyr’s way) show there is hope for these people to learn not to hate and become good? 

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4 hours ago, grover said:

So you find the debunking of that video


I do, possibly starting with you using a source called ''electronic intifada?''


There is a report that is largely quoted in debunk videos discussing Premila Patten dismissing two accounts in one particular report. Yet her whole report is damning.


Its interesting; it is the exact same UN report by Premilla quoting abuse by Israelis, that you quoted. About abuse, rape of detainees, illegal search including 'invasive search procedures' at border guard stations. Interrogation in threatening circumstance. Although you quoted it via a source that only only discussed one narrative. Which you threw that at me 2 or 3 pages ago & i acknowledged those exact issues. 


Paraphrasing myself; its rare the really ugly whispered stories that occur in war end up not true. I saw a different video than you mention discussing those rapes. I call it the Papillion search. Google him, you'll get a butterfly tattoo. Probably not where he does. Done with devices as glamorous as carrots. By definition also definitely rape. Like most incidents, more about the violence than the act.


Here is the press release related to her UN report (corresponding to the video below);  https://press.un.org/en/2024/sc15621.doc.htm


Towards those debunking; Premilla does discuss the opinion findings do not justify further violence. Her mandate ''is not war without rape.'' It's a ''world without war!'' She's very, if not more horrified by even more widespread death and destruction in Gaza. Said and lending to attempts at debunking, but her opinion. None of this invalidates, and she is very clear all took place, the ''clear evidence'' of mass rape and sexual violence on a wide scale Oct 7. Most who were then killed. Including ''at least two occurrences with corpses.'' Concurrently, the team determined that at least two allegations of sexual violence in kibbutz Be’eri, which debunkers spunk on, were unfounded.



Clear evidence; Sexual crime including rape experienced by hostages, survivors whom she interviewed. With reasonable grounds to believe of rape, sexualized torture, cruel & inhuman torture still occurring amongst those still captive.


Namao who you scoffed at is still hostage by the way. She is called a hero by some who have been rescued or released. She turned 20 on June. Hopefully alive.


As an aside; her parents are amongst those invited to both UN and US Congress speeches. They refused, attend vigils & protests.



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Let's be honest. I think rapes happened for BOTH sides. There's nothing wrong with criticizing both sides because history has shown that EVERY SINGLE CONFLICT involved BOTH SIDES engaging in bad conduct.


It's the part of 'war' or 'conflict' that we pretend never happens. There is no 'good guy' in one of these; only those who crave power seeking an opportunity to practice it.

There's nothing antisemitic about the above message. I am not saying that Israel is or isn't a victim. I'm not saying that Hamas is a victim either. It seems that the NARRATIVE that is being pushed out is that Israel (the government) can't be criticized at all.


That's not freedom of expression; that's totalitarianism, plain and simple. Hamas is a terrorist group. In the same vein, Israel HAS conducted atrocities on Palestinians. No one is cleaner than the other. All offending people should be held accountable.

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An hour ago

Responding to Netanyahu’s allegation that his residence was attacked by Iranian proxies, a spokesman for Iran’s mission at the United Nations in New York told @WSJ the “action in question has been carried out by Hezbollah in Lebanon.”





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4 hours ago, Alflives said:

Great that the Hamas people are surrendering. Does their surrendering (and not dying in what they’re programmed to believe: the martyr’s way) show there is hope for these people to learn not to hate and become good? 


In all likelihood, the surrendering of this means they keep their lives, but I have zero trust that Israel will let them live their lives. To be clear, Hamas IS a terrorist group. Anyone engaging in terrorism NEEDS to be held accountable.


That said, who keeps Israel accountable?

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2 minutes ago, PureQuickness said:

Let's be honest. I think rapes happened for BOTH sides. There's nothing wrong with criticizing both sides because history has shown that EVERY SINGLE CONFLICT involved BOTH SIDES engaging in bad conduct.


It's the part of 'war' or 'conflict' that we pretend never happens. There is no 'good guy' in one of these; only those who crave power seeking an opportunity to practice it.

There's nothing antisemitic about the above message. I am not saying that Israel is or isn't a victim. I'm not saying that Hamas is a victim either. It seems that the NARRATIVE that is being pushed out is that Israel (the government) can't be criticized at all.


That's not freedom of expression; that's totalitarianism, plain and simple. Hamas is a terrorist group. In the same vein, Israel HAS conducted atrocities on Palestinians. No one is cleaner than the other. All offending people should be held accountable.

Totally. What I see as a divider in the 'rapes' column is that some Israeli Soldiers or at the very least Prison Guards appear to have done some horrible things against inmates who can not protect themselves. Those individuals are being held accountable like they would be in any democratic nation with rules and laws. They do not represent the authority or laws or ways that prisoners are treated by Israel on a state level. They are, if guilty, criminals who had power over helpless captives.

Meanwhile the doctrine of the Terrorists in Hamas and other entities like Islamic Jihad is to literally use these kinds of sexual attacks as part of their terror campaign. 


Fr me that is a big distinction: assholes acting illegally and abusing their authority on an individual level who are then being held accountable by law vs Terror groups who murder, rape and torture as a tactic on the ground. 


Big difference. 

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