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Hamas attacking Israel


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I posted this in the RuZ / UKR thread:


I’m expecting Zelensky to be more aggressive against Putin now..


IDF is showing how it should be done .

Cut the Head off the Snakes,  and the same to those that slither away to hide, hoping to exist for another day.


Personally it breaks my heart to see what has been going on in the Middle East.

 But we have to understand it’s been going on for centuries.


   Imagine this .

   Your left arm is cancerous and has gangrene,  you have been trying to remedy it for years to save it ..

 drugs, procedures, (politics & aid) you try again with limited success to heal and stop the aggression.

   Finally the time comes where it becomes more aggressive and threatens your existence.   Your Life.

           You HAVE to surgically remove the arm as best as possible, to save your life in hopes that  Cancer is never seen again.


to add:  

     I think what we are learning in this new modern war fare ,  
       Is that ,          Words matter,.

      The ones that spew , teach, and exact evil for power or domination CAN be eliminated .

     Cut he Heads off the Snakes,  the bodies die, before innocents do, and innocence is lost.


Edited by SilentSam
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3 minutes ago, SilentSam said:

Assassination of Terrorist Leaders is the Best deterrence against escalation ..

    They are the Master Planners .


this includes Putin .



hearing of surrenders in GaZa .


It’s sad the good people of Gaza needed to suffer so much to get rid of Hamas. Hopefully the rebuilding of Gaza can happen fast and the good people there have quickly improving lives. 

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5 hours ago, Taxi said:

There are rules about when you can lock someone up prior to a conviction. The Crown basically needs to prove that are dangerous or a flight risk. 


You're stating that Israel is not a democracy, because they believe in the principal of innocent until proven guilty? I'm sorry they can't ignore that principal, because you and a bunch of other internet loudmouths, who know very little of the case and were not a witness to a single event, have already decided the case without a trial.


There is video evidence hasbara.

The rape of the prisoner was filmed. 

Months later and still they haven't been held accountable. 

Members of the government participated in a riot trying to free these criminals from jail.

Fellow soldiers tried the same thing.


And it is not just this particular case.

Human rights abuses have gone on for decades in the West Nank, and Gaza when it was occupied.


I have posted videos where the soldiers, members of the organisation, breaking the silence, confess, and talk about these crimes. 


I am stating, as many Isrealis do, that Israel is turning into a fascist theocracy.

It has never had true seperation of religion and state.

It does not have two seperate levels of government, an upper and lower house.

The very basic standards of a true democracy.


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37 minutes ago, Alflives said:

It’s sad the good people of Gaza needed to suffer so much to get rid of Hamas. Hopefully the rebuilding of Gaza can happen fast and the good people there have quickly improving lives. 

The streets of Gaza were line with cheering 'good' people when those poor women from Israel were paraded thru the towns. If they are showing white flags now it is because they are beaten and see no avenue of escape. IMHO those good people should be vetted to see which are Hamas and who of them supported Hamas. It is no different that routing out the nazi in 1945. 

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3 hours ago, SilentSam said:

Assassination of Terrorist Leaders is the Best deterrence against escalation ..

    They are the Master Planners .


this includes Putin .



hearing of surrenders in GaZa .


I'd believe tough to execute them on the level Israel has anywhere but a place but Gaza...but if you can then you do it and they sure have shown close enough ability in Lebanon. 

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1 hour ago, SilentSam said:




Isreali source that has more Credibility than this anti vaxxer  



" Isreal masked its arms deals to repressive regimes for decades. Here's how "


" For most of its existence, the state has continued selling weapons and other military wares to rogue governments, even after claiming to have stopped. "





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10 hours ago, Boudrias said:

Most of these Hamas and Hezbollah leaders are hoodlums. 

Hamas' economy was basically just taxing their own people for importing food and other goods. They owned the tunnels and would keep their people impoverished so they had to pay them taxes.

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6 hours ago, Ilunga said:


There is video evidence hasbara.

The rape of the prisoner was filmed. 

Months later and still they haven't been held accountable. 

Members of the government participated in a riot trying to free these criminals from jail.

Fellow soldiers tried the same thing.


And it is not just this particular case.

Human rights abuses have gone on for decades in the West Nank, and Gaza when it was occupied.


I have posted videos where the soldiers, members of the organisation, breaking the silence, confess, and talk about these crimes. 


I am stating, as many Isrealis do, that Israel is turning into a fascist theocracy.

It has never had true seperation of religion and state.

It does not have two seperate levels of government, an upper and lower house.

The very basic standards of a true democracy.


Firstly, I'm not defending anyone here, only the democratic process. For all I know they could be guilty, and if so deserve to go to prison. 


That video also doesn't show what your state it does. It shows a prisoner being led away to where the cameras can't see him, because the view of the camera is blocked by shields.


Yes, it's possible he was sexually abused. Hence the trial. The accused still have the right to bail though. As someone who claims to be in this to support human rights, you should get this.

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16 minutes ago, Taxi said:

Firstly, I'm not defending anyone here, only the democratic process. For all I know they could be guilty, and if so deserve to go to prison. 


That video also doesn't show what your state it does. It shows a prisoner being led away to where the cameras can't see him, because the view of the camera is blocked by shields.


Yes, it's possible he was sexually abused. Hence the trial. The accused still have the right to bail though. As someone who claims to be in this to support human rights, you should get this.


He learned a new word "hasbara" but has no idea what it actually means, so using it the way any anti-Israeli activist does - with a negative connotation. It's a simple Hebrew word, means "explanation". I guess, Israel is not allowed to explain their point of view, it immediately becomes "propaganda" in some circles.

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3 hours ago, Taxi said:

Firstly, I'm not defending anyone here, only the democratic process. For all I know they could be guilty, and if so deserve to go to prison. 


That video also doesn't show what your state it does. It shows a prisoner being led away to where the cameras can't see him, because the view of the camera is blocked by shields.


Yes, it's possible he was sexually abused. Hence the trial. The accused still have the right to bail though. As someone who claims to be in this to support human rights, you should get this.


This is not one lone incident.

As I have stated, it is not only this particular incident I am addressing.

It's decades of war crimes/crimes against humanity and human rights abuses the IDF and settlers have never been held accountable for. 



Again, a New York Times article, long read, about this subject. 


" The Unpunished: How extremists took over Isreal. 




Here is just a few videos from the organisation breaking the silence

Ex IDF soldiers talking about the human rights abuses they witnessed while serving. 



Are you going to address the rioting and storming of the prison ?

Which included members of the Knesset ? 


This is the video 




I am sure that the IDF soldiers holding their shields to block the cameras is totally innocent.

Edited by Ilunga
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2 hours ago, RomanPer said:


He learned a new word "hasbara" but has no idea what it actually means, so using it the way any anti-Israeli activist does - with a negative connotation. It's a simple Hebrew word, means "explanation". I guess, Israel is not allowed to explain their point of view, it immediately becomes "propaganda" in some circles.


I have stated I already know the Hebrew meaning of the word hasbara



It is also used to describe pro Isreali people who show up to defend Isreal.


Taxi fits this description.

He does not contribute, or take part in any other way in this community, apart from posting in this thread. 


You might like this.


John is one of my favourite Australians.

He takes the piss out of everyone, and everything.

I have posted a few of his videos.

He is of Jewish heritage.


Here he is trying to create a Jalestinian.


He went to Israel, went to a sperm bank, snuck his Palestinian assistant into the " donation room, so he, the Palestinian, could make a donation.

Which he did.


Warning, the video is hilarious.






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6 hours ago, Ilunga said:


This is not one lone incident.

As I have stated, it is not only this particular incident I am addressing.

It's decades of war crimes/crimes against humanity and human rights abuses the IDF and settlers have never been held accountable for. 



Again, a New York Times article, long read, about this subject. 


" The Unpunished: How extremists took over Isreal. 




Here is just a few videos from the organisation breaking the silence

Ex IDF soldiers talking about the human rights abuses they witnessed while serving. 



Are you going to address the rioting and storming of the prison ?

Which included members of the Knesset ? 


This is the video 




I am sure that the IDF soldiers holding their shields to block the cameras is totally innocent.


So you should prosecute a single individual for collective crimes now?


Once again, yes that soldier could be guilty. The fact you are presuming a sexual assault because you can't see what happened is once again presuming guilt. The courts will consider the video and all the other evidence.

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On 10/20/2024 at 2:29 PM, Ilunga said:

Under the Ottoman Empire, and before that,  until the end of WW1, people from different  faiths/ethnicities lived in relative peace.

Violence between them was rare. 



In fact you can thank western colonialism for turning the middle east into a " melting pot "


Not everyone agrees there was relative peace. Nor is the exclusively a Western influenced suggestion.  It is a time eternal one! Western influence, or alliance better said, has offered a singular opportunity perhaps not available before? 


Under Ottoman control even Muslims of different backgrounds were not offered rights to property, freedom of expression, religion.   


Jews? Here is an admittedly more extremist view. I do not share the unapologetic militant stance; historical dates & events this view presents have been discussed already. 



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8 hours ago, Taxi said:


So you should prosecute a single individual for collective crimes now?


Once again, yes that soldier could be guilty. The fact you are presuming a sexual assault because you can't see what happened is once again presuming guilt. The courts will consider the video and all the other evidence.


Glad to see you admit that the IDF and settlers have committed war crimes/crimes against humanity.


What I am stating is that they should all be prosecuted for all their crimes.

They don't get held accountable.

These crimes go unpunished. 

They have been U

unpunished for decades. 


And it is not a single soldier in this particular incident. 

If you take part in a crime, there where other soldiers involved, then they are accessories to that crime. 


Still not wanting to address the fact that in your supposed democracy, Knesset members rioted and stormed a jail to free prisoners.

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52 minutes ago, Canuck Surfer said:


Not everyone agrees there was relative peace. Nor is the exclusively a Western influenced suggestion.  It is a time eternal one! Western influence, or alliance better said, has offered a singular opportunity perhaps not available before? 


Under Ottoman control even Muslims of different backgrounds were not offered rights to property, freedom of expression, religion.   


Jews? Here is an admittedly more extremist view. I do not share the unapologetic militant stance; historical dates & events this view presents have been discussed already. 




History " agrees " there was relative peace in what is now known as the middle east.

A quick Google search illustrates that.

As that historian I quoted claimed, Muslims, Christians, Jews and other Minorities lived in relative peace.


Here is an article from a Professor of Turkish History at the University of California, a fellow member of Clan Shaw, describing how the Ottoman Empire offered European and Russian Jews sanctuary from the progroms, massacres and blood libels they experienced there.  






I can tell you what didn't happen to people in the Palestine/ Israel in in the 18th century.

They weren't convicted as criminals for stealing a loaf of bread to feed their families, and sent to a " penal colony " on the other side of the planet.


Like any place on this planet before the 20th century, life for your " average " person wasn't the best, even here in western countries.


Many forget that it has only been 4-5 generations that we, the average person in " western " nations  have had the rights, and quality of our life we now experience.




And please don't suggest that the US and British were and have been benevolent in their involvement in the middle east.

They betrayed the Arabs from day 1.

Their promise of an independent Arab state in order to get Arabian help fighting the Ottomans, which they reneged on as soon as the war ended.

The Sykes-Picot agreement.

The British and French dividing up the middle east between themselves.

All the way through the constant meddling, orchestrating coups, illegal invasions. 



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2 minutes ago, Ilunga said:

Their promise of an independent Arab state in order to get Arabian help fighting the Ottomans, which they reneged on as soon as the war ended.

The Sykes-Picot agreement.


This is not all new in the scope of Jewish / Muslim history. Relatively inconsequential to the scope & issue of, I call it, tenderizing of other cultures. Really historical ethnic cleansing always existed. That video mentioned Pogroms to dispose of Jews in Jerusalem in the first 50 years of Ottoman rule over 500 years ago. Also in its last 50 years, before the British mandate. That is not peace. Nor is ongoing conflict where all cultures, religions & people are unwelcome except that of the local king or warlord.


That said Arabic Palestinians were not independently addressed with ''their own'' country in partition plans. Two or three reasons? Point one, they insisted on complete control of the region! Had fought with Jews almost the entire thirty years of the British Mandate. You call Jewish actions at that time that of terrorism. Both sides were militant. Both sides flooded the region when the Ottomans left. In terms of Jews, Babylonian & Egyptian, but also European joined Jews who had never been completely expelled from Galilee. A NET RESULT? Point two other groups including specifically the Hashemites who participated in expelling of Ottomans with Palestinian Arabs were granted a territory. Jordan complete with 70% Palestinian population & a Hashemite minority even then.  I have always debated Jordan stole a Palestinian ''country'' more than Israel! Hashemites are a tribe from Northern S Arabia. Kingdoms or nations for Saudi Arabia, Iraq & Syria also all eventuated as results of support expelling Ottomans. Did that not satisfy agreements made over a cup of, Orange Pico, tea? All those groups plus Egypt formed the Arab League.


Were the Palestinians not really sold out to King Abdullah? Partly, being objectively fair...


Not that Sykes Picot was a legal agreement regardless! Nor the Balfour Agreement for that matter? You suggest more than me, your choice of words, the law matters? Jews even predating either agreement had standing of consideration for participation. As did the various Arabic tribes above. See the next point.


Point three is the Arab League tried to create 'Palestine' in spite of agreements between the British & Zionists. Or UN mandates? Attacking in 1948 to again expel all Jews. Just as groups like the Ottomans had! Local Muslim tribes before them had been doing for 700 years before Turks arrived. We don't care which Arab group, as long as an Arab or Muslim group wins the 1948 war?  But they lost that war & Israel survived.


In the end? This remains 2000 plus year old conflict you argue is illegal because of the Poms in 1917?


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