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Hamas attacking Israel


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1 hour ago, Provost said:

Well to start, you have never heard of them before this just like everyone else.  They describe themselves as a "boating enthusiast" on their twitter profile.  We know nothing about them or their personal perspectives.

Next, they don't say it was a Hamas attack and simply state it as one of their hypothesized possiblities.

Next, it is virtually impossible to capture a missile on camera at close range.  It is just math.  An air to surface missiles is going to be travelling several thousand kilometres per hour... or 1-3 kilometres per second roughly at point of impact.  A camera phone isn't going to have the frame rate to capture something that fast, especially when it is so close the field of vision is a few metres.  A missile would traverse that in a tiny fraction of a tenth of a second.  Not seeing a missile if it is one is expected, not proof that there isn't one.  Go look at videos of Ukrainians destroying Russian tanks over the last couple of years.  You just see the explosion and not the missile... and those would be much slower ones than modern air to surface or surface to surface missiles Israel would be using.

The comments about audio are also just so silly to just be random.  Sound and light travel at different speeds, there is a ton of background noises in the video and again, it is so close that any sound of a rocket would merge with the sound of the explosion.

Here is one of a thousand examples you could look at.

It is just folks with no expertise or different levels of expertise musing about the resulting explosion.  No one can use it as even the slightest actual evidence of anything.


Actually, I have been following their work for a couple of years now. And how dare they have other interests like boating, which I share with them.


They say possibly Hamas because they are trying to reman unbiased, unlike some people, huh?


You discount them without knowing anything about them and then show a SUN (like that's a reputable source LOL) vid that says missile strike but is actually drone strikes. 


From CNN...

Following an apparent explosion on Friday, extensive destruction could be seen on Salah Al-Deen street – a main route for evacuation – in videos authenticated by CNN. A number of bodies, including those of children, can be seen on on a flat-bed trailer that appears to have been used to carry people away from Gaza City. 

It’s unclear what caused the blast. CNN has reached out to the IDF for comment on any airstrikes in the same location.

Edited by Playoff Beered
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24 minutes ago, Rob Eh said:

Then you'll enjoy this little diddy out of Cold City.


Speaking of Buffalo's old music scene.  Guess which former Hollywood executive cut his teeth and began his career in entertainment as a concert promoter in Buffalo...


After you're done guessing, click the link in the box.  You'll be surprised.


Edited by Sabrefan1
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38 minutes ago, Sharpshooter said:

This place is an extension of our former Adults’ Table. (Shout out to @King Heffy @Gurn and others for its creation and management)


Let’s behave like adults while discussing an adult topic. 

We have a lot on our respective minds and a lot of opinions. 

Most importantly, there’s no fighting in a war thread! 


I implemented that ban on someone I like. 

Imagine what I’d do to the rest of you! 



Let’s keep it civil folks.


Information and discussion of that information is better than pissing matches. 



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1 minute ago, bishopshodan said:


That's right my man.


The place that I am very tribalistic is sports. Because it is just a game. 


F' all teams that are not the Canucks!



Right! I'm surrounded in a sea of, sorry I mean a prairie of red and I hate them talking about the flames! 


I want to talk NHL not beer League caliber teams.🤣

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2 minutes ago, RomanPer said:

I am always open to talk to good people, no matter their religion or nationality

Well said. I also do that many times on a daily basis. 

Remember, try to assume that people are coming from a place of intellectual curiosity, or their own experiences and education. 

Just like you or me. 

Never take it personally, and that’s a message to all of us. 

Diversify your thoughts and talk to others you don’t agree with. Sometimes, we have more in common than not. 


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7 hours ago, Provost said:

Nowhere did I refer to changing Palestine to 1940’s borders… didn’t reference it and didn’t suggest it.


 No idea how you could even infer it from what I posted.


You compared Gaza in 2000's to a Warsaw Ghetto in WWii. 


There were 9.5 Million Jews in Europe before WWII & 6 Million died another million displaced.  We know how?


Israel, for what they have done wrong, has not plunged into Gaza.  Rounded up Palestinian's, killed every man, women, child & elder. Shot them in the head, marched the rest to camps for a turn at the gas chamber.  That did occur in communities like Kfar Azaa last weekend.  Which was Hamas slaughtering Jews! Your statement was rotten timing, at best. I have no idea what you would accomplish making such a comparison. I tried to turn the conversation.


I suggest starting with asking Israel, monitor internationally as necessary, to hold themselves / be held accountable for what atrocities they are, and have committed. I'd like to see their defense minister jailed, certainly not allowed office for his racial & land issues. The rule of law. Restraint, not mass bombing of civilian area's. I don't wish Gaza as the next Aleppo or Grozny, flattened. The same for Hamas? Those ordering rave party goers to be machine gunned dead arrested. They don't have air defense, shot 5000 rockets in a night from the city's' rooftops. What do people expect?


I actually condone a border security zone, occupied territories. To protect ALL, not be victimized by pricks like Yoav Gallant. Or Hamas gunmen using a farms storage as a base of operation. Which would need Lebanese & Palestinian guards, alongside neutral & Israeli guards. As willing to arrest and jail Israeli and Palestinian illegal activity, protests. Put their bodies side by side in front of those throwing stones so borders that are realistic can be reclaimed. Not so militants can sneak in and launch attacks. Hate crime on both sides policed.     


If I were a Palestinian? I realize its hard to stop guys with guns. Do I want anyone climbing to the roof of my building?


Who do you turn to, if Hamas are in control?  

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23 minutes ago, the destroyer of worlds said:


This is an important point.  Arabs aren’t a homogenous unit; Palestinians aren’t a homogenous unit; Jews aren’t a homogenous unit; Israelis aren’t a homogenous unit.


A good movie to watch about this conflict that deals really well and directly with exactly your post is Munich.  This scene in particular is a gut punch in how it encapsulates the root of the whole problem while humanizing everyone.  Keep in mind it was made 20 years ago and about a piece of history decades earlier.  In this scene Eric Bana is a Jewish assassin who runs into some Palestinians in a safe house and pretends to be a German communist.



 Aside from the fact the crossing into Egypt has been bombed to stop aid from coming into Gaza… Egypt has said it can’t take more refugees.  It is already hosting 9 million from all over the region.  Jordan is hosting over a million.


Egypt’s position is that Palestinians should be free and live in Palestine.  Which is entirely fair.


Forced dispossession and displacement of civilians is a war crime.  Plain and simple.  Dealing with prisoners of war, refugees, and internally displaced people was what I was trained in when I was a soldier.  I wasn’t a “close with and destroy the enemy” infantryman type.




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