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Hamas attacking Israel


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50 minutes ago, Provost said:

What are you on about now?


First you post about supporting forced immigration of Palestinians to other Arab countries… then you say you aren’t talking about immigration, but just having 100% of Palestinians being sent to be temporary workers in other Arab states. (Apparently without even understanding the context of how the temporary workers in the places you mentioned are poorly paid and treated and effective slave labour).


Now you are back on the immigration kick that you ranted you weren’t actually talking about.  You are asking why Palestine isn’t a country with a lot of immigrants for some unfathomable reason?  I mean who could possibly figure out any reason why lots of people aren’t immigrating to Palestine. 

You got me… not many folks from outside Palestine are choosing to move to Gaza or the West Bank.  Not sure what gotcha moment you think you have… but I certainly agree.  I mean aside from Israeli armed settlers moving into their occupied territories, but those aren’t counted.

The graph that you showed doesn’t even refer to Emigrants… if you included that you would see that there are about as many Palestinians who have emigrated to other countries as still live in Palestine.



I appreciate and respect your points of view. 

Look very carefully at the top of this page.


Tread carefully. 


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Some people don’t get ‘the message’ 


I’m trying my best to not exclude Members from the conversation, but i’ve reached my limit. 


Get your own opinions and posts in order or you’re done here. 

I don’t want to Moderate, but I will go full ‘Sharpshooter’, if I don’t see a change from posters that have already been warned. 

Don’t be ‘that’ poster, please. 


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7 minutes ago, Elias Pettersson said:


Roman IS the source.  I know the ones who are not on his side will never believe him, they'd rather here it from CNN.  But I would put big money down that Roman is actually a better source in regard to this war than CNN or Fox News.


Also, he's provided much information on the Ukraine war as well, but never got called out there.  I think the difference in this thread is there are now TWO sides here battling each other for who is right with whataboutisms as nauseam.  That didn't happen in the Ukraine thread because nobody was ever on the Russian side, and if somebody ever was they either didn't post or were gone before the sun came up...

@RomanPer doesn’t have any exclusivity on the ‘truth’ about anything, just because he says it. He usually backs it up though. 

Everyone is free to provide posts that show he’s/shes factually incorrect/correct. 

Folks are free to demonstrate why they think they know a thing or two about a thing or two. 




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2 hours ago, Ilunga said:


Maybe it's my age,however I disagree with, you have to provide a source. 

If one doesn't agree just state why you don't. 


I posted an article that described the festival, the kind of people that attended.

While it doesn't state it was a fundraiser, a bit of critical thinking would lead one to believe those kind of people would do such a thing. 


Research and critical thinking are the best tools to use.


I would say in this day and age research and critical thinking is not as prevalent as it used to be.  People now rely on social media 24/7 and believe everything they read and see.  How many stories have we posted just in this thread alone that turned out to be false?  I was the one who posted about the beheading of the babies.  It was supposedly confirmed by independent journalists who said they saw the pictures and the videos themselves.  Then it turned out that they really didn't see any pictures or videos but were relying on the IDF for the info.


If people took more time to actually do research and use their critical thinking skills, then this world would be a much better place with more accurate information.  

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1 hour ago, eeeeeeeeergh said:

the biggest issue is the history - in 1948, jewish paramilitary groups cleansed 500 arab villages and the 700k+ refugees that fled, thinking that they'd be able to come home. Those people landed in Gaza, parts of the West Bank, and in surrounding arab countries. 


To those who are living with the consequences of 1948, it feels familiar. They dont want to leave Gaza because they know theyll never get to return home if they do. 




This is true.  I see both sides and you bring up an excellent point.  I wanted to make sure it was pointed out...

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1 minute ago, Elias Pettersson said:


This is true.  I see both sides and you bring up an excellent point.  I wanted to make sure it was pointed out...


Yes, I actually saw an interview with a very old Palestinian woman who stated this.

She was a victim of the Nakba back in 1948 and she wasn't going to leave Palestine again/ lose her home.


I hope she doesn't lose her life or her home in the conflict that is to come.

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1 hour ago, eeeeeeeeergh said:


we cannot separate them though, the history is very much a part of these peoples present lives. The people we're talking about are not 8-10 generations removed from those events. The memory is real, and if we're going to acknowledge that Israeli's have a right to keep their homes, we have to do the same for Palestinians. 


i respect and appreciate the desire to find a practical and simple solution, but another mass exodus of Palestinians just isn't the answer. The answer is for the international community to come together and ensure Gaza doesn't get the 1948 treatment. 


I agree.  I don't think anyone on either side wants 2 million Palestinian people to be homeless.  The issue is how does this get prevented from happening?  What is the solution?  Israel is going to try and take out Hamas.  We all know this.  Hamas is everywhere in Gaza.  You have to admit that Hamas uses Palestinians as human shields, so how do we prevent these innocent people from being slaughtered while Hamas is being taken out?


Truth be told, I don't see how anyone could ever go back to Gaza once this is over.  Not sure how much of it would be left to be totally honest with you.  If the Palestinians can relocate temporarily to Egypt or find work elsewhere then that might help short term.


The fact of that matter is that long term Gaza may not exist, or at least not exist in today's form and people might not want to go back to the rubble.  This is something that I feel is not going to have an easy solution.


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2 minutes ago, Ilunga said:


Yes, I actually saw an interview with a very old Palestinian woman who stated this.

She was a victim of the Nakba back in 1948 and she wasn't going to leave Palestine again/ lose her home.


I hope she doesn't lose her life or her home in the conflict that is to come.


Yes, I am sure there are still some people who are still alive from 1948 and live in Gaza.  I believe our poster Joe was born even before that time.  I can only imagine the horror they are facing right now...

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3 minutes ago, Elias Pettersson said:


"What" is the key word there.  Then add "About".  Then add "Ism".  74 pages and going strong....

It’s not that simple of a retort. 

That’s what most don’t get.


Many do though. 

Many here get the nuances. Bless them, for they will be the peacemakers. 

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29 minutes ago, Mike Vanderhoek said:


Yeah this thread is full of condescending and patronizing comments left and right.


There are some very informative contributors here and potential for great dialogue but can we stop questioning and correcting or cornering each other into answers to stupid questions so we can be all " I was right you do support X" or " so yes or no, answer my question " etc.


All kinds of bad is going on right now, all kinds of hurting and unfairness. I would assume most of us only wish the best for anyone. We could cut back on the bickering, provide sources for material we contribute and hope this ends asap with least amount of innocence murdered in the process!

Yeah, I think a culling is going to come sooner than later. 


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10 hours ago, Provost said:

Your last sentence and the question is not supported by the rest of your post


The things you posted were not Hamas. It all just shows a lack of any depth of understanding of the region.  Not all Arabs and countries in the Middle East are the same.  One group is not the same as every other.  Each has their own goals and agendas.  Sometimes they overlap and sometimes they conflict.  


It is absolutely supported. Different peoples, with common agenda's of self interest by corrupt leaders. 


How do you think Hamas has power?  Why don't national police forces arrest people firing missiles on civilians in Israel?  Shut down weapons trade & militia groups.  Its because Hamas is complicit, just how the country is run. 


Why have almost all Hamas's 'partners' been at civil war? At war with each other almost constantly? Violence fuels black markets, arms trades, changing allegiances, human trafficking, money laundering. If Hamas enough force, ISIS or Al Qaeda won't surface in Ghaza. If replaced; anyone associated with Hamas would have family who disappears, goods that don't make it through the tunnels. Insecurity breeds fear, desperation? 2 or 3 in your family duck through tunnels, go out in caravans and bring back arms from Syria. Make enough money to keep the family business running 1/2 a year? Missions get bigger? These suddenly become militia working for Hamas. Like Sicilians need the Mafia.  


Secular societies retreat amongst each other. Hide behind their religion? Trust their circle.


Manipulative leaders love this common friend; chaos.


Back to civil war, regional war? Maybe a Kurd takes a bribe, tips off Mossad about an arms shipment for West Bank. One of those illegal bombing missions in Syria happens; supplies don't make it. Suppliers want to get paid? Mossad lie, it wasn't a Kurdish middle man? It was Salim form Hamas, paid $100k! 20 are dead. Suddenly new gangs are on their way to Ghaza to recoup their money. To send a message! It sounds like fantasy but all these things happen.


Regional leaders like this have a life cycle.  You can only control so many disasters, for so long. 



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5 hours ago, Elias Pettersson said:


Roman IS the source.  I know the ones who are not on his side will never believe him, they'd rather here it from CNN.  But I would put big money down that Roman is actually a better source in regard to this war than CNN or Fox News.


Also, he's provided much information on the Ukraine war as well, but never got called out there.  I think the difference in this thread is there are now TWO sides here battling each other for who is right with whataboutisms ad nauseam.  That didn't happen in the Ukraine thread because nobody was ever on the Russian side, and if somebody ever was they either didn't post or were gone before the sun came up...

That's not how a source works though. While you may trust them? Who is the guy?

Essentially I heard it from a friend of a friend..

As for Russia, nobody really knows what the truth is. That's how every war is. Take for example Western media is identical from country to country. Yet when you turn on media from say India or other Eastern European countries that aren't aligned with NATO, we hear a different story. So just because some guy has family in a country of 40 plus million and a country of 8 or 9 million certainly doesn't give him an insight scoop just because you prefer his take on the conflict. I support sharpshooter in that decision. Do you remember CDC when Eklund was a legitimate source? It was an absolute joke to go into the trade thread. The same guy was being traded to five different Canadian teams e5.

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9 hours ago, RomanPer said:

I just learned another horrible piece of information - the Nova music festival was organized by Israeli left and one of the main goals of the festival was to raise money for Palestinians…

Their leaders wouldn't be interested in good deeds from infidels according to this guy, who I think we can all agree is an expert.  


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7 hours ago, Sharpshooter said:

What does this accomplish? 

Reminding people that this all didn’t start a week ago… which seems to be a prevailing problem on some of these posts.


There are a whole lot of “it’s game on” attitudes where the Palestinians have brought this all on themselves because of the attack a week ago, and justifying the hundreds of dead Palestinian children since and the forced relocation of hundreds of thousands of others.


That logic would also have to mean Hamas was justified in their attacks because of the well reported previous atrocities of the IDF and armed settlers.


It can’t be one-sided selective outrage.


It seems to be an extreme position to say what has been going on to Palestinians before last week is awful; what happened during the attacks last week is awful; and what is happening in Gaza since is awful.


The reason I seem pro-Palestinian is that no one here is defending the terrorist attacking last week so there is no reason to post against a non-existent point of view… which I would certainly be very vociferously posting against if it happened.  There a lot of people are defending Israeli actions and war crimes before and after it.

Edited by Provost
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