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Hamas attacking Israel


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10 minutes ago, Playoff Beered said:


Who is "you guys who are obsessive"? Last I checked you are the number 1 poster in the Canadian Politics thread.

475 posts. The next poster comes in at less than half that. Obsessive indeed.



Yeah because I live in canada. I assume that most of you guys who got thousands of posts in the Trump thread, sorry the American politics thread also live in Canada just have a serious desire for the United States. But again, I'm not sure the point you're making because I'm not the one that's said nobody cares, it was you and I'm actually quite saddened by that. But like I said I'm going to bed. I was just checking out some around the league stuff so cheers. I don't feel like having any other discussion tonight

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Just now, Playoff Beered said:


Who is "you guys who are obsessive"? Last I checked you are the number 1 poster in the Canadian Politics thread.

475 posts. The next poster comes in at less than half that. Obsessive indeed.




To be fair he is a con/right winger in a thread full of libs/ndp/left-winged people.


He's either gonna be a top poster or barely posting at all in that thread. I am willing to bet LaBamba is another top poster. 


Here's an exaggerated example of @Ryan Strome in that thread. 



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15 minutes ago, Ryan Strome said:

Yeah because I live in canada. I assume that most of you guys who got thousands of posts in the Trump thread, sorry the American politics thread also live in Canada just have a serious desire for the United States. But again, I'm not sure the point you're making because I'm not the one that's said nobody cares, it was you and I'm actually quite saddened by that. But like I said I'm going to bed. I was just checking out some around the league stuff so cheers. I don't feel like having any other discussion tonight


Please explain how you think that twisting this around is in anyway relevant to my point. Or did it go over your head?

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35 minutes ago, Junkyard Dog said:


To be fair he is a con/right winger in a thread full of libs/ndp/left-winged people.


He's either gonna be a top poster or barely posting at all in that thread. I am willing to bet LaBamba is another top poster. 


Here's an exaggerated example of @Ryan Strome in that thread. 



Well now I am going to have to choose not to be offended, rofl. 😶‍🌫️

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14 hours ago, Heretic said:

I disagree that everyone on both sides want each other dead.

Yeah, maybe some do, but not all Israelis nor Palestinians think that way.

This video is 5 years old, but it seems to be truthful:



Thanks for this post!


The Hashemite Kingdom, BDS (a coalition of groups calling for sanctions on Israel), Palestinian Authority, Hamas;


All corrupt according to this Palestinian. Addressing the EU for supporting BDS & the PA.


The other side of Israel?  They have Palestinians cross the border for well paying jobs, at European standards. Of course Israeli do not cross to work in Gaza? He suggests they get shafted and not paid working in Gaza, by BDS & EU supported initiatives. By the Palestinian Authority which I guess implies they pocket the money.  That Hamas, nor the Hashemite (Jordanian) Kingdom provide support or represent Palestinian people. He thanked the EU for good intentions, encouraged them to stop supporting these organizations as it worked against peace for Palestinian people.


Specifically implying the Jordanian King took bribes so Palestinians would move, provide land, when Israel was formed. In a historical statement. This coincides with @RomanPer 's, actually he called it ''our version,'' or Israeli version that Palestinian leaders made deals to make way for Israel.


Thoughts @Provost ?




I retain the exact same opinion that some reparations would / should be made to Palestinian traditional land owners. That Israel should act within the law in occupied territories, and in providing security. Even after the provocations of brutality last week. Including restraint from bombing attack in populated areas. Not because Hamas deserves their concern, Palestinian people subjugated by these bastards do. Its Hamas who holds Palestine hostage, not the other way around... 


I challenge people to get behind Palestine, not the terrorist leaders who take domain without regard for its people. To also call out the murderous attacks Provost.


Hamas needs to be held to account, not hidden in basements or tunnels.  

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14 minutes ago, Canuck Surfer said:


Thanks for this post!


The Hashemite Kingdom, BDS (a coalition of groups calling for sanctions on Israel), Palestinian Authority, Hamas;


All corrupt according to this Palestinian. Addressing the EU for supporting BDS & the PA.


The other side of Israel?  They have Palestinians cross the border for well paying jobs, at European standards. Of course Israeli do not cross to work in Gaza? He suggests they get shafted and not paid working in Gaza, by BDS & EU supported initiatives. By the Palestinian Authority which I guess implies they pocket the money.  That Hamas, nor the Hashemite (Jordanian) Kingdom provide support or represent Palestinian people. He thanked the EU for good intentions, encouraged them to stop supporting these organizations as it worked against peace for Palestinian people.


Specifically implying the Jordanian King took bribes so Palestinians would move, provide land, when Israel was formed. In a historical statement. This coincides with @RomanPer 's, actually he called it ''our version,'' or Israeli version that Palestinian leaders made deals to make way for Israel.


Thoughts @Provost ?




I retain the exact same opinion that some reparations would / should be made to Palestinian traditional land owners. That Israel should act within the law in occupied territories, and in providing security. Even after the provocations of brutality last week. Including restraint from bombing attack in populated areas. Not because Hamas deserves their concern, Palestinian people subjugated by these bastards do. Its Hamas who holds Palestine hostage, not the other way around... 


I challenge people to get behind Palestine, not the terrorist leaders who take domain without regard for its people. To also call out the murderous attacks Provost.


Hamas needs to be held to account, not hidden in basements or tunnels.  


While none of us know exactly what happened day to day in 1948, it always gets my back up a bit when Romans version gets brought as the explanation for why the Nakba occured. While its definitely true that arab countries were meddling, and some local deals were made, I feel that it seeks to muddy the proven historical record of what actually happened in those 500 villages. I understand that muddying the waters helps Israelis feel better about their history, but insofar as this is used to justify the modern-day treatment of Palestinians, we cant let anyone forget about how we got to this point. 


Plan Dalet is what happened - arab villages were depopulated by the jewish paramilitary groups led by david ben gurion and menachem begin. Deir Yassin is a matter of historical record - irgun terrorists kicked down doors and threw grenades inside to kill residents and burn their homes down. The refugees that fled Haifa, Jaffa, Al-Kabri, etc. did not go willingly and happily, even though this is the narrative that Roman prefers. 


"In April 1948, the Haganah prepared an initial blueprint for an operation called "Ehud", which provided for attacks on al-Kabri, al Nahar, al-Bassa and al-Zib for "the destruction of the gangs [and] the menfolk, [and] the destruction of property".[27] Yaacov Pundaq, a Haganah commander in the Carmeli Brigade's 21st Battalion, who was responsible for the area around Nahariya designated to be part of the future Arab state in the 1947 United Nations Partition Plan, had repeatedly caused damage to the Kabri aqueduct nearby, the primary conduit for feeding Acre. In the face of successful repair work by Arabs, he contaminated the site's waters with flasks of typhoid, or typhoid and diphtheria bacteria. This was the most serious use of Israel's deployment of biological warfare in 1948.[30]"



Plan Dalet, section 3 (this is public record, it was the plan given to Jewish paramilitary forces by David Ben Gurion



Mounting operations against enemy population centers located inside or near our defensive system in order to prevent them from being used as bases by an active armed force. These operations can be divided into the following categories:
Destruction of villages (setting fire to, blowing up, and planting mines in the debris), especially those population centers which are difficult to control continuously.
Mounting search and control operations according to the following guidelines: encirclement of the village and conducting a search inside it. In the event of resistance, the armed force must be destroyed and the population must be expelled outside the borders of the state.
The villages which are emptied in the manner described above must be included in the fixed defensive system and must be fortified as necessary.
In the absence of resistance, garrison troops will enter the village and take up positions in it or in locations which enable complete tactical control. The officer in command of the unit will confiscate all weapons, wireless devices, and motor vehicles in the village. In addition, he will detain all politically suspect individuals. After consultation with the [Jewish] political authorities, bodies will be appointed consisting of people from the village to administer the internal affairs of the village. In every region, a [Jewish] person will be appointed to be responsible for arranging the political and administrative affairs of all [Arab] villages and population centers which are occupied within that region.
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14 hours ago, Heretic said:

I disagree that everyone on both sides want each other dead.

Yeah, maybe some do, but not all Israelis nor Palestinians think that way.

This video is 5 years old, but it seems to be truthful:


Did you even bother to Google this guy?  He is by all accounts a complete fraud and scam artist.


He made up a political party on the internet that doesn’t exist in reality and appointed himself leader.







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31 minutes ago, Canuck Surfer said:


Thanks for this post!


The Hashemite Kingdom, BDS (a coalition of groups calling for sanctions on Israel), Palestinian Authority, Hamas;


All corrupt according to this Palestinian. Addressing the EU for supporting BDS & the PA.


The other side of Israel?  They have Palestinians cross the border for well paying jobs, at European standards. Of course Israeli do not cross to work in Gaza? He suggests they get shafted and not paid working in Gaza, by BDS & EU supported initiatives. By the Palestinian Authority which I guess implies they pocket the money.  That Hamas, nor the Hashemite (Jordanian) Kingdom provide support or represent Palestinian people. He thanked the EU for good intentions, encouraged them to stop supporting these organizations as it worked against peace for Palestinian people.


Specifically implying the Jordanian King took bribes so Palestinians would move, provide land, when Israel was formed. In a historical statement. This coincides with @RomanPer 's, actually he called it ''our version,'' or Israeli version that Palestinian leaders made deals to make way for Israel.


Thoughts @Provost ?




Spend 5 seconds googling stuff before you tag me in it.  This dude is a fraud and scammer and has been called that by Israelis and Jordanians.


He literally made up his own political party on the internet and made himself its leader.




When you see something on the internet, a good strategy is that the more you want what you are seeing to be true.. the more you should probably use some critical thinking and check it out a little.





Edited by Provost
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4 minutes ago, Provost said:

Did you even bother to Google this guy?  He is by all accounts a complete fraud and scam artist.


He made up a political party on the internet that doesn’t exist in reality and appointed himself leader.








yeah he kinda reminds me of mohammad tawhidi


calls himself an "Imam", but also claims to be Shia, yet Imams are borderline Divine figures in Shia, and there are only twelve of them in history..


both guys trigger my bullshit radar 1000%

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3 hours ago, Ryan Strome said:


I think it's laughable when I read people say I trust other stations like the CBC or the BBC over CNN or Fox They are all garbage. 

I thought it was ironic and hilarious when I read a story about a year back and the CBC reporter was calling RT Russian State run propaganda. I sent him an email to let him know because it appeared he had forgot that he also was state-run..


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6 hours ago, Provost said:

Apparently the US isn’t as convincing as it thinks.  Israel is apparently bombing in Lebanon as we speak.




Hezbollah has launched missiles also this week. If firing on those sites, no one should have a problem with it?  Israel also struck a cargo container at Aleppo airport in Syria.  Again I hope its military targets, weapons movement being curtailed. 


A forward offensive 'pre-emptively' would be discouraging. 


But so are reports Syria, the Iranian guard, ISIS and other groups are moving in West.

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6 hours ago, Boudrias said:


Any delay moving into Gaza has more to do with the IDF having forces in place to react to any other attacks


Al Jazeera reported IDF were allowing more time for evacuations to take place.


Not counteract other potential war theatres.  Israel also called up 1,000,000 reserves as soldiers. 

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43 minutes ago, Provost said:


Spend 5 seconds googling stuff before you tag me in it.  This dude is a fraud and scammer and has been called that by Israelis and Jordanians.


He literally made up his own political party on the internet and made himself its leader.




When you see something on the internet, a good strategy is that the more you want what you are seeing to be true.. the more you should probably use some critical thinking and check it out a little.






He was invited and spoke at Brussels, sat beside the Israeli delegate. EU gave him a seat, he is Palestinian. In a world where political opinion can be a death sentence; that he spoke was brave. The average person puts up with the community they were born in to.  He is trying to make it better.   


Google Fox News smart alec. Everything we hear is true! Isn't it? Saleh al-Arouri said no one but IDF were targeted last weekend. Mahmoud Abbas rejects harm to civilians on either side.  They are honest guys, right?


Google Hamas. Tell us why you would want them running your country... 


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5 hours ago, eeeeeeeeergh said:


While none of us know exactly what happened day to day in 1948, it always gets my back up a bit when Romans version gets brought as the explanation for why the Nakba occured. While its definitely true that arab countries were meddling, and some local deals were made, I feel that it seeks to muddy the proven historical record of what actually happened in those 500 villages. I understand that muddying the waters helps Israelis feel better about their history, but insofar as this is used to justify the modern-day treatment of Palestinians, we cant let anyone forget about how we got to this point. 


Plan Dalet is what happened - arab villages were depopulated by the jewish paramilitary groups led by david ben gurion and menachem begin. Deir Yassin is a matter of historical record - irgun terrorists kicked down doors and threw grenades inside to kill residents and burn their homes down. The refugees that fled Haifa, Jaffa, Al-Kabri, etc. did not go willingly and happily, even though this is the narrative that Roman prefers. 


"In April 1948, the Haganah prepared an initial blueprint for an operation called "Ehud", which provided for attacks on al-Kabri, al Nahar, al-Bassa and al-Zib for "the destruction of the gangs [and] the menfolk, [and] the destruction of property".[27] Yaacov Pundaq, a Haganah commander in the Carmeli Brigade's 21st Battalion, who was responsible for the area around Nahariya designated to be part of the future Arab state in the 1947 United Nations Partition Plan, had repeatedly caused damage to the Kabri aqueduct nearby, the primary conduit for feeding Acre. In the face of successful repair work by Arabs, he contaminated the site's waters with flasks of typhoid, or typhoid and diphtheria bacteria. This was the most serious use of Israel's deployment of biological warfare in 1948.[30]"



Plan Dalet, section 3 (this is public record, it was the plan given to Jewish paramilitary forces by David Ben Gurion



Mounting operations against enemy population centers located inside or near our defensive system in order to prevent them from being used as bases by an active armed force. These operations can be divided into the following categories:
Destruction of villages (setting fire to, blowing up, and planting mines in the debris), especially those population centers which are difficult to control continuously.
Mounting search and control operations according to the following guidelines: encirclement of the village and conducting a search inside it. In the event of resistance, the armed force must be destroyed and the population must be expelled outside the borders of the state.
The villages which are emptied in the manner described above must be included in the fixed defensive system and must be fortified as necessary.
In the absence of resistance, garrison troops will enter the village and take up positions in it or in locations which enable complete tactical control. The officer in command of the unit will confiscate all weapons, wireless devices, and motor vehicles in the village. In addition, he will detain all politically suspect individuals. After consultation with the [Jewish] political authorities, bodies will be appointed consisting of people from the village to administer the internal affairs of the village. In every region, a [Jewish] person will be appointed to be responsible for arranging the political and administrative affairs of all [Arab] villages and population centers which are occupied within that region.



For the record I don't condone the depopulation of Palestine. Manachem Begin was particularly brutal.


That said I hold the opinion? Its just mine that where time and again Palestinian leadership has let it down, corrupt; happy to line their own pockets.  Happy to use uproar to control the streets & populations with guns and violence. So again they can make money.  So many Middle Eastern countries exploit their people.  


I call for restraint by Israel, but I have no faith it will accomplish much.  Hamas and many other such organizations don't operate so they can have peace. The more I read, the more I believe their primary goal was more hostages they could exploit.  Gilad Shalit a Israeli captive soldiers was released for 1000 Palestinian prisoners. Among, leaders of last weekend's attacks.


Prominent prisoners released as part of the deal;



Among the 1,027 prisoners released are about 280 prisoners serving life sentences for planning and perpetrating terror attacks[5] including:

  • Husam Badran, now Hamas spokesman in Qatar.
  • Walid Abd al-Aziz Abd al-Hadi Anajas (36 life sentences) – took part in the execution of the Café Moment bombing (2002), the Hebrew University bombing (2002) and the Rishon LeZion bombing (2002).[45]
  • Nasir Sami Abd al-Razzaq Ali al-Nasser Yataima (29 life sentences) – convicted of planning the Passover massacre (2002) in which 30 civilians were killed and 140 were wounded.[45]
  • Maedh Waal Taleb Abu Sharakh (19 life sentences), Majdi Muhammad Ahmed Amr (19 life sentences) and Fadi Muhammad Ibrahim al-Jaaba[45] (18 life sentences) – responsible for the attack on bus No. 37 in Haifa in 2002.
  • Tamimi Aref Ahmad Ahlam (16 life sentences) – Assisted in the execution of the Sbarro restaurant suicide bombing (2001).[45][46]
  • Abd al-Hadi Rafa Ghanim (16 life sentences) – the surviving perpetrator of the Tel Aviv–Jerusalem bus 405 suicide attack in which Ghneim seized the steering wheel of a crowded Egged commuter bus line No. 405 and managed to pull the bus into a ravine in the area of Qiryat Ye'arim. 16 civilians were killed in the attack.[47]
  • Muhammad Waal Muhammad Douglas (15 life sentences) – took part in the execution of the Sbarro restaurant suicide bombing in Jerusalem (2001).[48]
  • Muhammad Taher Mahmud al-Qaram (15 life sentences) – directly involved in the planning and execution of a bus attack in Haifa in which 15 Israelis were killed.[citation needed]
  • Ahmed Mustafa Saleh Hamed al-Najar (7 life sentences) – led a militant squad that killed 3 Israelis in shooting attacks.[45]
  • Yahya Sinwar (4 life sentences) – took part in the kidnapping of two Israeli soldiers in 1989 and was sentenced to life in prison. Founder of the Hamas security apparatus in Gaza. His brother organized the abduction of Gilad Shalit in 2006.[47]
  • Abd-Al-Aziz Muhammad Amar (4 life sentences) – took part in the execution of the Café Hillel bombing (2003).[49]
  • Ibrahim Sulaim Mahmud Shammasina (3 life sentences) – took part in the killing of the boys Ronen Kramni and Lior Tuboul, the taxi driver Rafi Doron and the soldier Yehushua Friedberg.
  • Amir Sa'ud Salih Abu Sarhan (3 life sentences) – killed three Israelis with a knife in 1990.[citation needed]
  • Mahmud Muhammad Ahmed Atwan (3 life sentences), Musa Daud Muhammad Akari (3 life sentences), and Majid Hassan Rajab Abu Qatish (3 life sentences) – militants that killed the Israeli policeman Nissim Toledano in 1992.[50]
  • Muhammad Yussuf Hassan al-Sharatha (3 life sentences) – head of the militant squad that kidnapped and killed the Israeli soldiers Ilan Saadon and Avi Sasportas during the First Intifada.[47]
  • Abd al-Aziz Yussuf Mustafa Salehi (1 life sentence) – participant in the 2000 Ramallah lynching who was iconically photographed displaying his blood-stained hands to the Palestinian mob after having beaten an Israeli soldier to death.[45]
  • Bassam Ibrahim Abd al-Qader Abu Asneina (1 life sentence) and Riyadh Zakariya Khalil Asayla (1 life sentences) – Killed the yeshiva student Chaim Kerman.[48]
  • Fahed Sabri Barhan al-Shaludi (1 life sentence) – took part in the kidnapping and killing of the Israeli soldier Yaron Chen.[48]
  • Fuad Muhammad Abdulhadi Amrin (1 life sentence) – killed 15-year-old Israeli schoolgirl Helena Rapp in 1992.[51]
  • Jihad Muhammad Shaker Yaghmur (1 life sentence) – took part in the killing of Nachshon Wachsman.[47]
  • Mona Jaud Awana (1 life sentence) – lured over the Internet the 16-year-old Israeli high school student Ofir Rahum, pretending to be a young American tourist, managed to drive him to a remote area in the outskirts of Ramallah where three Palestinian gunmen showed up and shot Rahum at close range.[46]
  • Muhammad Abdul-Rahman Muhammad Zakut (1 life sentence) – Tel Aviv construction worker who stabbed three Israelis, killing two, on the holiday of Purim, 21 March 1989.[52][53]
  • Tarek Ahmed Abd al-Karim Hasayin (1 life sentence) – carried out the shooting attack on Highway 6 in June 2003, in which the 7-year-old girl Noam Leibowitz was killed.[48]
  • Yussuf Dhib Hamed Abu Aadi (1 life sentence) – Convicted of stabbing Israeli soldier Nir Kahana in 2005.[54]
  • Sh'hadeh Muhammad Hussein Sana'a (1 life sentence) – participated in the King George Street bombing by leading the suicide bomber to his destination.[55]
  • Abdallah Nasser Mahmud Arar (1 life sentence) – Member of the Hamas cell responsible for kidnapping and killing Israeli businessman Sasson Nuriel in 2005.[56][57]
  • Ahmed Jibril Othman al-Takruri (1 life sentence) – Carried out a firebomb attack on a bus in Jericho, in which a mother and her three children, and a soldier who tried to rescue them, were murdered.
  • Alaa al-Din Radha al-Bazyan (1 life sentence) – Convicted of perpetrating sniper attacks and belonging to a terrorist group.[58]
  • Ali Muhammad Ali al-Qadhi (1 life sentence) – Member of a Hamas cell responsible for kidnapping and killing Israeli businessman Sasson Nuriel in 2005.[56][57]
  • Bushra al-Tawil (16 months) – Palestinian photojournalist. She was rearrested in 2014 and had to serve the remainder of her imprisonment.[59]


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10 hours ago, Alflives said:

Yup. That Bibi guy is bad news. He definitely needs to go and those with his views too. 

Bibi lost a brother who was killed in the IDF raid on Entebbe Uganda which brought over 120 Israeli captives back home. I don't know the internal politics of Israel and don't know what he is accused of. If we try to use what passes as norms to us, here in our safety, to the Jewish experience we are wrong. The Jews in Israel know full well what happens if they lose this war or misplace assurances by others of a 2 state solution. 


I sympathize with the Palestinian people and their desire for a homeland. Bottom line is that modern Israel will never be their homeland again. The vast majority have never lived in what was their homeland in 1948. The world owes the Jews a homeland. If the Palestinians cannot return then it becomes the worlds responsibility to create a homeland instead of manipulating their suffering to political ends. The West Bank is trying to craft a peaceful transition but many anti Israel forces work against that. Gaza will be destroyed and I won't blame Israel for that. Destroy Hamas and is necessary destroy Hezbollah. Stop teaching the hate of Jews and accept the failure of leadership in the Arab world to craft a peaceful existence for Palestinians. 

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