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(Trade) Sam Lafferty to Vancouver

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1 minute ago, Coryberg said:

I'm actually a fan of this trade. Definitely a Tocchet style player. A right handed shot big body that plays an in your face physical game at all 3 forward positions. He was a beast in the panthers/leafs series last season. I'm hoping he can influence Joshua to step up his physical intensity as well.


While it's never ideal to trade away draft picks this is the same draft that we acquired a 4th from trading away Lazar. In theory we traded Lazar and a 5th for Lafferty and a 4th. Not too shabby.

Great point…would give us two fast/ hard-hitting wingers flanking Blueger’s speed/shutdown abilities


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2 hours ago, Pears said:

Whenever draft picks are involved the majority of this fanbase most of the time doesn't care about what we're getting in return, they just focus their anger on the fact a draft pick was traded and proceed to lose their shit about it. 



"Hey, you fucks! Fix the defense!!!"


"Okay. I traded a 1st for a bona-fide top 4 RD in Filip Hronek."


"No !!not like that!!!!! AaaarrrgggghhjjslKaUrbd!!!!!!"

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9 hours ago, AnthonyG said:

In recent memory…

Jamie Benn









And still more names could be added


Yes, of course there are a few. But this is basically survivorship bias and extreme outliers to the norm.


Now I might ask how many players  picked in the 5th round become absolutely nothing? Hell, how many play fewer than 99 NHL games in their entire career? The vast vast majority.




Trading the 5th is fine.


They need a player now more than they need some basically one in a million lotto ticket 5 years from now which will likely never hit anyway. Total nothing issue.

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1 hour ago, Master Mind said:

I said that I think he'd prefer to be on a cup contender instead of a first round exit team, but you think that's the wrong impression?

I think with the experience and championship pedigree this mgmt and coaching staff bring with them, the changes they are willing to make and the way they are redefining expectation, responsibility and discipline within this club, I think all of it caters to EP’s inherent nature.

If this season they can build off the progress they are making at even incremental levels and continue to restructure a roster and systems play around the core that leads to not only consistent reg season hockey but the capability to actually perform in the playoffs, I think EP will thrive in that growth. he just needs another taste of post season and if that comes with this club this season alongside mgmt’s commitment to continued improvement in restructuring the roster with the right profile of players for specific roles, as well as resigning the players who will contribute to his continued  success, I don’t see why - at very least - EP wouldn’t sign a shorter term deal to further that possibility while also cementing his status in the league. Consistency that way would only up his value come next contract. 


Because of what he’s learned while with this club in the last season, he’s now being touted as a potential top 5 NHL player this upcoming year. That’s a major step forward he might achieve and likely because he bought into a role that would help the club overall, not just himself. 

as such, I don’t see him cashing out his chips if mgmt continues to improve the roster, his support, and overall chances for success the way that they have…even if the project carries over into next season. if there’s real, measurable/tangible promise and future built around him, and a discipline and structure that combined bring both him success and the club a better balance of players and effectiveness in their roles, I can envision him cashing in on a max term extension and him defining himself as a preeminent player in this league and with this club.

All the pieces are coming into place in how you compose a standard for a competitive roster. 

We are, believe it or not, making progress in terms of how you define an identity, discipline, a structure and as well a focused commitment, attitude and professionalism…those factors combined with mgmt pedigree and individual success I think are a solid recipe for a 24 year old who is proving he wants to be the catalyst for why this team changes its fortunes. 

The contract hold out is simply a smart play on his part. It keeps mgmt accountable…and more importantly, it’s a sign that he is willing to bet on himself. It puts a ton of pressure and risk that he will only improve regardless of how the team fares. Thats the type of confidence and determination that leads a team whether you’re captain or not, and given the right supporting cast, it trickles down through the rest of the roster. 

the way we are rebuilding this club right now makes me believe we are correctly addressing faults and essentially rebuilding the club with a focus from the back end out. Defense wins championships, and if there’s a more reliable system and role players in place here, it should bode well for protecting leads. We already have a top 6 F group that can put up points. If we can create leads and now hold them, this team could see a dramatic improvement in the standings. With that, we will see the development of not only a solid reg season club, but with inevitable additional

mgmt tweaks, perhaps finally the makings of perpetual playoff appearances. Our core is definitely ready. Our top 6 can put up points.
Our PP1/2 both have D men who excel at QBing, and if we front load a PP1 could be dominant,. Our 3/4 lines now look to be molding into effective shut down lines that could also parlay into being PK dominant. Our D corps is still improving but is already arguably more responsible in their own zone which leads to less chances against us and should also effectively enable stronger G performance, which is also a position we’ve already bolstered this offseason as well.  

I think we’re closer than we have been to playoffs and actually being competitive in them. Time will tell but this appears to be a much more coherent roster that lends to continued success. 

you said:


“We haven't even been a playoff team in recent years. Such a long way to go before we should be having the go for it mentality.


If Petey needs us to buy depth players to make him stay, then that's concerning. I can't help but think that if he wants to win, he'd rather see management making moves to build a cup contender, rather than the first round exit we're building up to be.”


I’m saying we are taking the necessary steps, and at reasonable cost, to move from being on the outside of the playoffs to being in them. 

and we arent buying depth players to satisfy EP, we’re fulfilling needs with accurate representation so that improve our competitive capabilities.


I don’t understand how you expect us to become a playoff team any other way. What does your process involve? It can’t be by slashing and burning this roster  only to hope we can replace the core talent we once had further down the road and that it all comes together at a convenient circumstance? That’s just wishful thinking and relying on best case scenario. You only do that when your talent leaves in exodus because you aren’t competitive and aren’t trying to improve chances of becoming a playoff team. We’re not there yet, and we’re certainly not in a place where our core is aging out. Sooo, I’m unsure what you think is the best scenario for this club now and in the future.


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11 hours ago, MeanSeanBean said:

The last decade of Canucks hockey has been ripe the mismanagement, under  achievement, and sorely lacking in prospects given our position for this long. I think the general fan base has every right to skeptical when we see more assets being moved for players in positions it feels like our team has enough of. 


Personally I thought Studnicka showed petty well. Particular after we traded a 5th round draft pick for him last year. Now we are trading another 5th round draft pick for his replacement this year. 


It's not necessarily about the player, it's about the principal.


We didn't trade a pick for Studnicka.

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10 minutes ago, Canuckle said:

Also couldn't help but notice who  Sam Lafferty played for previously and who signed his contracts:







All the more reason why DeSmith should’ve kept the yellow gear this season 

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39 minutes ago, RWJC said:

I think with the experience and championship pedigree this mgmt and coaching staff bring with them, the changes they are willing to make and the way they are redefining expectation, responsibility and discipline within this club, I think all of it caters to EP’s inherent nature.

If this season they can build off the progress they are making at even incremental levels and continue to restructure a roster and systems play around the core that leads to not only consistent reg season hockey but the capability to actually perform in the playoffs, I think EP will thrive in that growth. he just needs another taste of post season and if that comes with this club this season alongside mgmt’s commitment to continued improvement in restructuring the roster with the right profile of players for specific roles, as well as resigning the players who will contribute to his continued  success, I don’t see why - at very least - EP wouldn’t sign a shorter term deal to further that possibility while also cementing his status in the league. Consistency that way would only up his value come next contract. 


Because of what he’s learned while with this club in the last season, he’s now being touted as a potential top 5 NHL player this upcoming year. That’s a major step forward he might achieve and likely because he bought into a role that would help the club overall, not just himself. 

as such, I don’t see him cashing out his chips if mgmt continues to improve the roster, his support, and overall chances for success the way that they have…even if the project carries over into next season. if there’s real, measurable/tangible promise and future built around him, and a discipline and structure that combined bring both him success and the club a better balance of players and effectiveness in their roles, I can envision him cashing in on a max term extension and him defining himself as a preeminent player in this league and with this club.

All the pieces are coming into place in how you compose a standard for a competitive roster. 

We are, believe it or not, making progress in terms of how you define an identity, discipline, a structure and as well a focused commitment, attitude and professionalism…those factors combined with mgmt pedigree and individual success I think are a solid recipe for a 24 year old who is proving he wants to be the catalyst for why this team changes its fortunes. 

The contract hold out is simply a smart play on his part. It keeps mgmt accountable…and more importantly, it’s a sign that he is willing to bet on himself. It puts a ton of pressure and risk that he will only improve regardless of how the team fares. Thats the type of confidence and determination that leads a team whether you’re captain or not, and given the right supporting cast, it trickles down through the rest of the roster. 

the way we are rebuilding this club right now makes me believe we are correctly addressing faults and essentially rebuilding the club with a focus from the back end out. Defense wins championships, and if there’s a more reliable system and role players in place here, it should bode well for protecting leads. We already have a top 6 F group that can put up points. If we can create leads and now hold them, this team could see a dramatic improvement in the standings. With that, we will see the development of not only a solid reg season club, but with inevitable additional

mgmt tweaks, perhaps finally the makings of perpetual playoff appearances. Our core is definitely ready. Our top 6 can put up points.
Our PP1/2 both have D men who excel at QBing, and if we front load a PP1 could be dominant,. Our 3/4 lines now look to be molding into effective shut down lines that could also parlay into being PK dominant. Our D corps is still improving but is already arguably more responsible in their own zone which leads to less chances against us and should also effectively enable stronger G performance, which is also a position we’ve already bolstered this offseason as well.  

I think we’re closer than we have been to playoffs and actually being competitive in them. Time will tell but this appears to be a much more coherent roster that lends to continued success. 

you said:


“We haven't even been a playoff team in recent years. Such a long way to go before we should be having the go for it mentality.


If Petey needs us to buy depth players to make him stay, then that's concerning. I can't help but think that if he wants to win, he'd rather see management making moves to build a cup contender, rather than the first round exit we're building up to be.”


I’m saying we are taking the necessary steps, and at reasonable cost, to move from being on the outside of the playoffs to being in them. 

and we arent buying depth players to satisfy EP, we’re fulfilling needs with accurate representation so that improve our competitive capabilities.


I don’t understand how you expect us to become a playoff team any other way. What does your process involve? It can’t be by slashing and burning this roster  only to hope we can replace the core talent we once had further down the road and that it all comes together at a convenient circumstance? That’s just wishful thinking and relying on best case scenario. You only do that when your talent leaves in exodus because you aren’t competitive and aren’t trying to improve chances of becoming a playoff team. We’re not there yet, and we’re certainly not in a place where our core is aging out. Sooo, I’m unsure what you think is the best scenario for this club now and in the future.



hmmmmmm ... maybe 🤣


just joking it's possible, hopefully it all goes as you say

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It’s hard to believe that it’s been 12 years since we went to Stanley to finals - 10 years of terrible mismanagement… we squandered so much… how did the greatest Canucks  team ever assembled nose dive and get stale so quickly… we didn’t go past the first round after 2012… They were a shell of their former selves after their run to the Stanley Cup finals -  they should’ve retooled right away and never let go of Ehrhoff either… Yep living in the past… Hopefully this new management can take this team farther than we’ve been in past 10 years

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3 hours ago, Master Mind said:


How do we get competitive? By drafting and developing players. Use cap space more wisely. Make smarter trades.


They're done losing? No, no they're not. You shouldn't "go for it" until you're a contender. We haven't even been a playoff team in recent years. Such a long way to go before we should be having the go for it mentality.


If Petey needs us to buy depth players to make him stay, then that's concerning. I can't help but think that if he wants to win, he'd rather see management making moves to build a cup contender, rather than the first round exit we're building up to be.


You're beating a dead horse here.

Your complaint is that we should focus on drafting and developing, but this management has already clearly shown they're not going to just be stockpiling draft picks for the future.

Should also tell you that they don't put the same amount of stock in a certain pick (a freaking 5th, in this case) as some people do.


Now, whether this is the right thing or the wrong way to go is another topic. 

But are we seriously going to keep having this conversation/complaint every single time this regime makes a trade involving one of our draft picks? 


It's not smart to just right away think "picks, picks, picks", and it won't automatically mean you turn into a cup contender. Nothing's guaranteed.

Like you also said smart trades need to happen too. But even "smart trades" will involve picks so... 



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1 hour ago, cripplereh said:

Well we got bigger and now we need one more D and we should be of.


TBL put Bogs on waivers.Maybe we make a deal for him after he makes it threw.


Garland or Brock maybe?

I’m usually a pretty casual scroller but i couldn’t skip past this comment… brock for bogosian? U gotta be kidding me man hahaha

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16 hours ago, Coconuts said:


So is frittering away a pick on a plug 

Is it though?  Odds of getting ONE NHLer, 4-7th rounds combined, who will play 100 games is 12.5%.   Another way to look at it, is one every 8 plus a bit drafts.   It's also the exact same odds of a 3rd rounder doing the same (12.5%).   It gets a lot more serious if it's a second or first rounder.   There is a reason picks 4-7 are thrown around like monopoly money.    We can't even trade Rathbone.   Guys clear waivers.   Some are worthy of a trade some aren't.    It's also a cap thing.   If the plug fits ... without checking pretty sure Adam Gaudette was the last 5th rounder we've had work out.    Well surpassed the 100 game mark, and bet there are folks on here that lament we didn't pick someone else ... or is he leading the pack for 5th rounders his draft class? 


Edit:  Lol Ethan Bear and Garland were the big hits that draft year...2015 in the 5th round.   So I suppose there was a 2/32 chance we wasted a pick on an ELC for either of them?   Troy Terry too...Actually not too bad that year at all.   4/32 with Gaudette ... plus star forward Kirril Kaprisov 5/32... So bad example lol.   Wouldn't worry too much, if things go south we will be sellers at the TDL.   Suter, Bluegar, Cole easy 3 4-7th rounders, maybe even a 3rd in Cole, with 3 retention spots we've got 3 trades including maybe Myers and Beau.     Allvin is covering his bases.    The goal is playoffs.   This code needs reps. 

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3 hours ago, Canuckle said:

Also couldn't help but notice who  Sam Lafferty played for previously and who signed his contracts:







slap penguins GIF


3 hours ago, I.AM.THE.WALRUS said:

It’s hard to believe that it’s been 12 years since we went to Stanley to finals - 10 years of terrible mismanagement… we squandered so much… how did the greatest Canucks  team ever assembled nose dive and get stale so quickly… we didn’t go past the first round after 2012… They were a shell of their former selves after their run to the Stanley Cup finals -  they should’ve retooled right away and never let go of Ehrhoff either… Yep living in the past… Hopefully this new management can take this team farther than we’ve been in past 10 years

Greatest regular season team.   The 90's were tougher to digest, agree both are tough but for different reasons, the 90's one was expected to have another 7-8 or so seasons after 94....   Back to back Smythe winners in 92-93,  and second rounds were the norm.   94 is still considered the best final in league history for a reason, and we beat two teams that made the top 25 all-time in the process, and the best TO team since expansion too.    Second rounds.   Wouldn't that be nice to see on a regular basis again?    Back then the 94 team was compared to the NYI dynasty, when we were on every role was at a high level, and we were almost unstoppable.   It was supposed to be one run of many to come ...


Then it went to crap during a period where most CAN teams couldn't keep up with salary escalation, eventually had to lose the best owners in club history.   Quin had to navigate that.   Yes the peak Sedin era,  half their careers, was a great team too, Luongo...   Linden returning helped get that team to the second round against Turco as well.   What a playoff player he was.     Every final appearance takes that much longer historically.  Go figure 21 teams to 32.   Instead of a handful not making the show, we've got half the league.    Too bad for us and other teams long suffering fans (Buffalo especially).    Know it's a long time, I never had any illusions that we were going to pull off a miracle, and contend with the first core post Sedin.   


Might as well enjoy it.    Figure Tochett gets two years to make this work.   If it doesn't, a different type of rebuild (Lindens, not JB's) is likely where we go.   Enjoy the process is the best advice I can give.   At least we have those happy days to keep us warm. 


As far as the nose dive goes, that core peaked.   As soon as the ink dried on the Sedins four year deal, they picked a lane.   Wasn't the quickest lane. 

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41 minutes ago, Twilight Sparkle said:

i recall there was some hype around this guy a few years ago... what happened? lmao

In true fashion befitting nhl fodder…. He became a Canuck!



Jk, I like this trade. It fills a need now, and as many others have stated, he is an improvement on our current 4th liners.

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9 hours ago, Hogs and Podz said:

Who was our third best defenseman last year?... And the year before that.... And the year before that?  




If you had added one more "the year before that" comment, my answer would have been Hughes, Edler, and Tanev........which unsurprisingly, was the last time we made the playoffs.  


Canucks still need another 2B/3 calibre defenseman otherwise a lot of things will need to go right just to make the playoffs.  


1. Hughes

2. Hronek

3. MIA

4. Soucy

5. Cole

5B/6.  Myers, McWard, Hirose, Wolanin, etc., etc.  






Is what our defense should look like.   Cole nor Soucy should be playing with Hughes.  

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