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(Trade) Sam Lafferty to Vancouver

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Just now, Dr. Crossbar said:

No problem, brother. Your discussion was insightful.


I really enjoy observing human behavior. Being a spectator sometimes makes you see the absurdity of it all. 


Anonymity can really make people feel they can say anything in the end. I've played MMO's for 2 decades now and have been lied to so many times in games, from a "billionaire" who had a $10K office chair (but a normal computer) among other things, to being lied about about way more serious stuff. It gives you a thick skin after a while and a bit of a radar on what to look out for with this stuff.

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3 minutes ago, canuck73_3 said:

In fairness Mogilny was only a fifth round pick because it was uncertain he’d even be able to come over.  He had to defect from the Soviet Union after the world championships by flying to Stockholm before coming to North America. 

Again, the picks are actually beside the point. It's the idea that over the last decade the Canucks have been generally terrible and also functioned in a pick deficit. Has any other franchise acted in such a way?  Again, people are likely overreacting to a 5th round pick out of principal. In a vacuum this trade may turn out good. But fans have every right to be skeptical. We've done this song and dance, year after year.

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19 minutes ago, Blitz-Pix said:


Pretty acurate description...


If you take last years stats out of the equation you'll see he's been a a career tweener or fringe player. We already some of those IMO.


We're all seeing what we want and overlooking what we don't wanna see... the shiny new toy syndrome.

Trade doesn't move the needle much for me.. I will reserve judgement however and take a wait and see approach.

Obviously PA and Tocc are familar with the player and may know something that his stats aren't showing.  

Ya, maybe he is an incremental upgrade on a player we have in the system.  He is a few hundred thousand more than those guys so that is the trade off.


A 5th round pick isn’t going to kill us, but is just another pick going out the window for waiver wire and fringe NHLers.  I only worry about 1st-3rd round picks as a general rule.  Later picks are to be used as currency, I just think there are better uses for that currency.


It is the pumping him up to some meaningful huge physical beast who is “what we hoped Virtanen would turn into.” that is silly.


There was a physical “wrecking ball” type of player on waivers just a day ago, Wade Allison… if that is what people want.







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I'm as tired as everyone of trading away picks. Sick of it, but, we were in desperate need of a right side, proven center. He's not a midget, he's fast, a vet. Good trade for a position of need. Like it or not, ready or not, this team is ready to compete. That fifth means nothing right now and moving forward it's about the now, unless EP bolts and then likely Hughes to follow. Got to make the team better now.

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1 minute ago, MeanSeanBean said:

Again, the picks are actually beside the point. It's the idea that over the last decade the Canucks have been generally terrible and also functioned in a pick deficit. Has any other franchise acted in such a way?  Again, people are likely overreacting to a 5th round pick out of principal. In a vacuum this trade may turn out good. But fans have every right to be skeptical. We've done this song and dance, year after year.

This is a new management team. Hanging past management mistakes on them is a foolish move imo. We're also in the building stage now rebuilding was 5 years ago under previous management. 

Looking at this move from a rebuilding view is already putting yourself up for disappoint as the team is no longer rebuilding. 

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1 minute ago, Goal_thecup said:

Sorry to quote myself, but doesn't that retro Oiler logo look like a big fried egg?

Or maybe the clip is shot with an X-Ray Lens, that lets you look right into Kulak and see his ruddy stomach.

I love the MacFarlane Oilers logo and jersey but the coloured version does look like a fried egg. 

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1 minute ago, -dlc- said:

That's your deal though. I'm glad the team doesn't operate from a fear based perspective. They are doing things to help the club improve and picks aren't guaranteed to do that any more than the guys on the bench are. 


It starts there...with this roster. If we've been terrible for a decade you should welcome the opportunity to give new players a chance here.

Couldn't we have used this exact quote any of the last 10 years?


Some people are hopeless romantics and will blindly cheer on every move a team makes no matter the results over the last decades. Some people will blindly hate every move. Some people, like myself, have grown increasing skeptical the more picks get moved and with the team continually out of the playoff race by December.

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3 minutes ago, Provost said:

There was a physical “wrecking ball” type of player on waivers just a day ago, Wade Allison… if that is what people want.

It's clear the management is going after the Penguins model of skill and some bigger skilled players. It can't happen overnight. Fans like myself are disappointed there are not more cantankerous bohemiths to clobber the opposition. But if the model is to get tougher to play against, bit by bit, I can live with this. Hopefully more moves to come.

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I was too upset about us waiving Studnicka that I forgot to share what I thought about the trade 😄


I like this deal. Lafferty is a solid bottom six winger who provides flexibility around the roster. I'm glad we have a right handed guy who can win faceoffs if called upon to.


Just wish we kept Studnicka up.

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2 minutes ago, canuck73_3 said:

This is a new management team. Hanging past management mistakes on them is a foolish move imo. We're also in the building stage now rebuilding was 5 years ago under previous management. 

Looking at this move from a rebuilding view is already putting yourself up for disappoint as the team is no longer rebuilding. 

Couldn't we use the 5th round pick (prospect) to pick up Studnicka as our first judgment of this management then. Correct me if I'm wrong, but wouldn't this 5th round pick be correcting the 'mistake' if the last 5th round pick. It's early, but it's fair to start recognizing a trend when it's that evident.

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1 minute ago, MeanSeanBean said:

Couldn't we have used this exact quote any of the last 10 years?


Some people are hopeless romantics and will blindly cheer on every move a team makes no matter the results over the last decades. Some people will blindly hate every move. Some people, like myself, have grown increasing skeptical the more picks get moved and with the team continually out of the playoff race by December.


Is it only 1 (cheering for everything) or the other (skepticism) though or can you acknowledge that some people who have looked into this trade like it for logical reasons and aren't just cheering for the sake of cheering?

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I hope MGMT has the last Laf on this one. ba tss GIF


As much as I'm not as blown away as some with new MGMT credit where it's due they have done well on these types of things. At least we're not paying a 2nd for a Linden Vey. The cost here is/will be a 5th + whoever we waive if they get picked up. As much as I like Aman/Dakota they haven't been inspiring. paying a 5th for an upgrade is the price you pay. If one or both clear waivers this trade is a win.   

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8 minutes ago, MeanSeanBean said:

Again, the picks are actually beside the point. It's the idea that over the last decade the Canucks have been generally terrible and also functioned in a pick deficit.

Yip. It's been ridiculous for sure, mismanaged either by the GM or ownership. It is what it is now though, cant go back and need to keep getting better to improve the current group. Time is now, as underprepared as it may be. 

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Just now, The Lock said:


Is it only 1 (cheering for everything) or the other (skepticism) though or can you acknowledge that some people who have looked into this trade like it for logical reasons and aren't just cheering for the sake of cheering?

Sure. I haven't discredited Lafferty the player once in this entire thread, I feel I'm already doing that. I'm just addressing people when the start talking about how people are overeating or whining about a 5th.

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1 minute ago, MeanSeanBean said:

Couldn't we use the 5th round pick (prospect) to pick up Studnicka as our first judgment of this management then. Correct me if I'm wrong, but wouldn't this 5th round pick be correcting the 'mistake' if the last 5th round pick. It's early, but it's fair to start recognizing a trend when it's that evident.

I don't think either move is a mistake. Both are players worth a flyer on even more so for just a low percentage lottery ticket. You can have 5+ lottery tickets and still not win the lottery. 

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Just now, canuck73_3 said:

I don't think either move is a mistake. Both are players worth a flyer on even more so for just a low percentage lottery ticket. You can have 5+ lottery tickets and still not win the lottery. 

Ok, that's fine, that's your opinion. But I feel your being willfully ignorant of the point I'm trying to make, so I don't really know where you want this conversation to go.

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23 minutes ago, MeanSeanBean said:

Pardon me? Connor Garland costs us a 9th overall pick. Carson Soucy was a big part of us rebuilding out D. Forsling was a legit top 4 man on a team that went to the finals....


if your question was what 5th round pick went on to become stars you should have said so. Sergi Zubov? Alexander Mogilny? Krill Kaprizov? 

The other players mentioned are the types that end up a free agents. So we lose a 5th round pick but can sign one in free agency that has already made it to replace. Also the probability a 5th plays in the NHL is under 12%


Garland costing us our first is laughable. Just part of an extremely bad trade that involved the first.


Forsling was picked up off waivers by Florida


It is extremely rare that a 5th round pick just legit turns into anything worth keeping long term and likely if the make the NHL bounce around from team to team on short term deals


If your going to pick low hanging fruit at least make sure its ripe



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