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(Trade) Sam Lafferty to Vancouver

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5 minutes ago, MeanSeanBean said:

Couldn't we have used this exact quote any of the last 10 years?


Some people are hopeless romantics and will blindly cheer on every move a team makes no matter the results over the last decades. Some people will blindly hate every move. Some people, like myself, have grown increasing skeptical the more picks get moved and with the team continually out of the playoff race by December.

The idea that people are mindlessly cheering but skeptics are the only people’s opinion that’s valid is entirely ridiculous to me. 

There are valid reasons to like this trade and valid reasons to be skeptical.


The only blind one’s here are the MasterMinds of the world just blindly hating every move and not listening to the other side.  

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10 minutes ago, -dlc- said:

That's your deal though. I'm glad the team doesn't operate from a fear based perspective. They are doing things to help the club improve and picks aren't guaranteed to do that any more than the guys on the bench or being brought in are. It's all a crapshoot but some act like picks are somehow proven paths to success. They may be. Over time. Eventually, With the right team in place.


It starts there...with this roster. If we've been terrible for a decade you should welcome the opportunity to give new players a chance here. See if we can't find some fits. Just because others haven't worked out, doesn't mean you stop trying.


Any study of success is mostly a study of failure and perseverance.  

I also don’t think we’ve spent a lot of picks on veteran players - IIRC they were mostly for younger players with the hope they could handle playing higher in our lineup.  

Bloated contracts aside, even Benning’s veteran pickups actually played pretty well.  It’s the prospects / age gap players where he struck out.

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1 minute ago, MeanSeanBean said:

Sure. I haven't discredited Lafferty the player once in this entire thread, I feel I'm already doing that. I'm just addressing people when the start talking about how people are overeating or whining about a 5th.


And I get that there's the idea that we've lost who knows how many picks over the years with no result. I think the real question we should be asking is "Is now the actual time to be stockpiling?"


I don't even think we're going to necessarily have a contender with this group; however, I also don't think we can afford to go into a rebuild either and stockpile on picks. I think value often depends on situation. Right now, Lafferty and our situation greatly outweigh that 5th rounder in my opinion, even with the idea of stockpiling thought of.

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15 minutes ago, Provost said:

Ya, maybe he is an incremental upgrade on a player we have in the system.  He is a few hundred thousand more than those guys so that is the trade off.


A 5th round pick isn’t going to kill us, but is just another pick going out the window for waiver wire and fringe NHLers.  I only worry about 1st-3rd round picks as a general rule.  Later picks are to be used as currency, I just think there are better uses for that currency.


It is the pumping him up to some meaningful huge physical beast who is “what we hoped Virtanen would turn into.” that is silly.


There was a physical “wrecking ball” type of player on waivers just a day ago, Wade Allison… if that is what people want.







We can trade Studnicka tomorrow and get that 5th back, upgrade and an easy to acquire asset. 

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Just now, Johnny said:

The other players mentioned are the types that end up a free agents. So we lose a 5th round pick but can sign one in free agency that has already made it to replace. Also the probability a 5th plays in the NHL is under 12%


Garland costing us our first is laughable. Just part of an extremely bad trade that involved the first.


Forsling was picked up off waivers by Florida


It is extremely rare that a 5th round pick just legit turns into anything worth keeping long term and likely if the make the NHL bounce around from team to team on short term deals


If your going to pick low hanging fruit at least make sure its ripe



You asked a question. I've answered your question in 2 different ways. Just because you refuse to listen doesn't make it a good point...

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2 minutes ago, canuck73_3 said:

The idea that people are mindlessly cheering but skeptics are the only people’s opinion that’s valid is entirely ridiculous to me. 

There are valid reasons to like this trade and valid reasons to be skeptical.


The only blind one’s here are the MasterMinds of the world just blindly hating every move and not listening to the other side.  

At what point have I said those who are skeptical are the only valid opinions?

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4 minutes ago, Johnny said:

The other players mentioned are the types that end up a free agents. So we lose a 5th round pick but can sign one in free agency that has already made it to replace. Also the probability a 5th plays in the NHL is under 12%


Garland costing us our first is laughable. Just part of an extremely bad trade that involved the first.


Forsling was picked up off waivers by Florida


It is extremely rare that a 5th round pick just legit turns into anything worth keeping long term and likely if the make the NHL bounce around from team to team on short term deals


If your going to pick low hanging fruit at least make sure its ripe



Yeah the 1st was for taking on 12 Million dollars in 4th liners not for acquiring Garland. 🤣

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2 minutes ago, MeanSeanBean said:

You asked a question. I've answered your question in 2 different ways. Just because you refuse to listen doesn't make it a good point...

Im not refusing to listen


You seem to value a 5th round draft pick at its absolute best case scenario as opposed to the more realistic scenario of 12% getting a sniff of the NHL

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2 minutes ago, MeanSeanBean said:

At what point have I said those who are skeptical are the only valid opinions?

When you say that people for it are blindly cheering that is 100% saying skeptics are the only ones valid just without actually saying it. 

That is immediately invalidating anyone who thinks this is a good move right there. 

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1 minute ago, Analyst82 said:

Can someome make sense of this please? Why do we need another fringe player? 

Cheap acquisition cost / contract.


Decent size, Right handed C, good speed, effective on the PK. 

Bleuger didn’t finish practice today.

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I think some a little overboard with the draft pick complaints. I say this as a guy that usually complains about trading picks. He'll either help us reach the playoffs or we can flip him for a 5th rounder later. It's really not that deep. He also looks like Miller, so that's pretty funny. Guy is physical, solid in the dot, and decent offensive numbers too for a 4th liner. Nothing really to hate about it. Canucks sent Aman to Abby if I recall. So we have a 4th line options in Lafferty, Bleuger, Joshua and Studs. Looks pretty good to me. Rotate them in and out depending on their play. Lafferty can play all 3 forward positions. Right handed. I dunno, hard to dislike the trade from where I am sitting, even as a guy that hates trading picks all the time.

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32 minutes ago, Johnny said:

Im not refusing to listen


You seem to value a 5th round draft pick at its absolute best case scenario as opposed to the more realistic scenario of 12% getting a sniff of the NHL

Yes, you most definitely are. Also, Incorrect. I value a 5th round pick as currency, and have stated that over and over again. Even in my original post you responded to, I stated the 5th round pick was more out of principal. You then asked me when the last time a 5th round pick was worth it (which was beside the point), but I obliged and answered your question. Then you didn't like my answer, so you moved the goalpost. I gave you another answer with the new goalpost, which you then discredited further.


I consider that refusing to listen, if you don't... cool? Guess where at an impasse. Good talk.

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Lafferty is a pretty good skater and works hard.  I did like watching him play last year and he adds some size.  


As much as I hate to see Aman and Studs get waived, if Studs clears that gives the Canucks two real call up options / depending in cap/roster gymnastics

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2 minutes ago, canuck73_3 said:

When you say that people for it are blindly cheering that is 100% saying skeptics are the only ones valid just without actually saying it. 

That is immediately invalidating anyone who thinks this is a good move right there. 

No I'm not. I'm saying that there is a myriad of different types of fans and I'm explaining my point of view. But you can interpret what I'm saying however you please.

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21 minutes ago, The Lock said:


Anonymity can really make people feel they can say anything in the end. I've played MMO's for 2 decades now and have been lied to so many times in games, from a "billionaire" who had a $10K office chair (but a normal computer) among other things, to being lied about about way more serious stuff. It gives you a thick skin after a while and a bit of a radar on what to look out for with this stuff.


You're right about the anonymity. It can be toxically empowering. I can relate to what you're saying. I used to be an admin for a few years of a much bigger, more popular forum than CDC/CFF.


You wouldn't believe what I saw and experienced from people online. After a while it became my own case study into how people interact online. Everything here I've seen a million times over. There are established and recurring patterns how people react online. I responded to that in this thread when I saw someone make mention of it. That's also why I poke fun at it and why I fight against chronic negativity. I've seen the worst of what it can do.


Anyway, didn't mean to get into all this.


As for this trade, I like that it upgrades our fourth line and adds more certainty to our depth. Also the fact that Allvin and management know him deeply from Pittsburgh is a good thing and much, much more than we know. 

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Just now, canuck73_3 said:

It is implied when you say people are blindly cheering. 

Again if that was your interpretation, cool. That's not what I said.


Furthermore, some people do only cheer. Do you think Alflives opinions are educated and rational opinions most the time? No, he blindly supports Canucks that aren't Joshua. Do you think Deb can reasonably judge Miller's play, no she loves him too much. There flip sides on posters who blindly hate as well. It's just easier to describe the pollar opposites when trying to make a point. I didn't say those were the only opinions, I said that they exists. Because they do.

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