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[GDT] Edmonton @ Vancouver, Wednesday October 11th, 7pt/10et. Happy Birthday -dlc-!

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15 minutes ago, BC_Hawk said:

Soucy (assume ACL or MCL grade 2 sprain) = Don't rush. Blueger (Bone Bruise) = If he can play, play; its just pain management vs. doing more damage.

If he was actually a game time decision I don’t even know if it would be a sprain.


Could just be soreness.


That being said no point pushing it. I feel like we got lucky with no major injury. Make sure it doesn’t turn into something worse.

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25 minutes ago, ManbeastMARK said:

Why does everyone hate on Drance so much? He's usually right.

He usually just tells the truth/sees the bigger picture, neither of which have ever been particularly pleasant to think about or deliberate in this market, unfortunately.

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39 minutes ago, ManbeastMARK said:

Why does everyone hate on Drance so much? He's usually right.

That's the issue.


They want positivity not reality. However with that said he goes way overboard with the pessimism and overreacts too often. But in terms of being right, he's definitely one of the better analysts. 

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25 minutes ago, ManbeastMARK said:


It just seems to me that most people outside of this forum don't seem to mind him. Then people here seem to despise him to a level that seems over the top for the situation.


I think casual fans and young people like him because it goes along with them thinking they are smarter than everyone else. People that know hockey will see him for the complete prick he is who just basically scours sites like this and then writes sensationalist critical pieces about stuff he doesn't come up with himself. It's garbage reporting with no decorum whatsoever by a complete dink. If he wanted to report the same info and not be a complete asshole it would be a different story but it isn't. He's a guy most hockey players would want to punch right in the mouth. Myself included.


If a guy like Ferraro wants to be overly critical at least he has a background to do so. Drance doesn't know which end of the hockey stick to hold. Anyways, let's focus on the Nucks. My contract obligations are fulfilled. 😉



10 minutes ago, MikeyD said:

That's the issue.


They want positivity not reality. However with that said he goes way overboard with the pessimism and overreacts too often. But in terms of being right, he's definitely one of the better analysts. 


I just see lazy and low hanging fruit reporting from him as he snags the most negative, popular and controversial viewpoints and then sh!ts on whomever he can. There are many people out there that just want to appear smarter then everyone else and sling accusations around as well. These people love them some Drance.

Edited by Gawdzukes
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45 minutes ago, BC_Hawk said:

I agree on the Hirose Juulson front, but we NEED to get the line minutes balanced ASAP. This is exactly what happened last year (riding our top 3 dmen); ended up wearing down our top 3 dmen down to teh point they couldn't recover OR got injured. No Thanks! Just give the AHLer's (Hirose and Juulson first crack) normal minutes, and let the chips fall where they may.

Yes the longer it goes on, the more risk of future injury and burn out occurs.  Be really nice to pick up a top 4 RD….anytime now…

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Maybe I'm just not grasping it... but I don't see the big deal the media is spinning on this Connor garland thing. So what, management doesn't want him... it's not News that thus team was riddled with bad contracts when new management took over. 


Like no wonder so many players get pushed out

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36 minutes ago, Huggy Bear said:

Keys to the game tonight..

  • Lafferty endears himself to the fans with a big (but clean)hit
  • Draw and convert an early PP 
  • Hughes-Hronek control possession
  • Short shifts and good changes - we have well balanced lines

You forgot the biggest key........don't take penalties 

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JR has a type at forward, big and fast.
It is what he is always looking for if you aren’t a star. (Not saying that is a bad thing)
Garland is not big, quick but not that fast and isn’t a star. 
He just doesn’t fit the typical profile of JR player. 

Natural to think he would be looking at his options especially since he would love some cap space. 

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10 minutes ago, Breadnbutta said:

Maybe I'm just not grasping it... but I don't see the big deal the media is spinning on this Connor garland thing. So what, management doesn't want him... it's not News that thus team was riddled with bad contracts when new management took over. 


Like no wonder so many players get pushed out

Agreed. It wasn’t that long ago that JR publicly stated we still had a couple contracts we’d like to get rid of. 

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