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[GDT] Edmonton @ Vancouver, Wednesday October 11th, 7pt/10et. Happy Birthday -dlc-!

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2 hours ago, Inkidu said:


Well if you take the worst interpretation of every event and put them all together I guess you would get an elephant. To me it seems most of these things are in the past, and pretty routine stuff that most professionals get over quickly. 

Don't take this wrong, but what do you think hockey players think of first?


Making millions

The Cup





I selected those because it is really a combination of all of the above.

They want to play (work) in an enjoyable environment.

Their whole life has been competition.


Due to the nature of a team's player structure some players will move more towards the making millions as their window closes, mostly the 3rd/4th line guys.


The top line guys are the drivers for winning and once they become "professionals" team success diminishes


And always remember the GM's first and most important job is to put bums in seats even if it means selling snake oil.

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47 minutes ago, Breadnbutta said:

Maybe I'm just not grasping it... but I don't see the big deal the media is spinning on this Connor garland thing. So what, management doesn't want him... it's not News that thus team was riddled with bad contracts when new management took over. 


Like no wonder so many players get pushed out

Is he overpaid?  Sure.


But he's still a useful player.  He's not the Six Million Dollar 'last on the ice & first off the ice' man.

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4 minutes ago, NewbieCanuckFan said:

Is he overpaid?  Sure.


But he's still a useful player.  He's not the Six Million Dollar 'last on the ice & first off the ice' man.

Mgmt is likely 10 moves ahead of all of us and has a plan that they want to execute but that plan has some obstacles (contracts)


I like how forward they are and aggressive. If this is all for nothing then I will welcome a scorched earth rebuild.

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1 hour ago, SV. said:

He usually just tells the truth/sees the bigger picture, neither of which have ever been particularly pleasant to think about or deliberate in this market, unfortunately.

I find Drance and Patterson(actually worse IMO) go out of their way to focus on negative stories.  An example I saw the other day, right after our first preseason win against the Oilers, a game where the team played well, had a perfect PK, played strong defence, scored 5 goals.  They have an 18 min video and they managed to fill the entire segment with negative comments with not 1 positive thing to say.  They went so far as to complain about about Studnika and Aman were not impact players and have no business in the NHL.  There were loads of positives they could have talked about, but not even one feel good story.  Then they continuously ask asinine and leading questions to the players that they know it pisses them off.  Remember when they almost made Boeser cry when they were asking about his dad at the end of the year.  Completely classless

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It’s here!  It’s here!  Game day!  Happy Birthday @-dlc- Finally we can talk about a game that counts. Really want to see Hughes and Hronek dominate the possession tonight. Hoping Petey and Kuz are feeling 100% and that Lafferty can lay someone out so everyone makes him our next saviour. Go Canucks go!

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1 hour ago, MikeyD said:

That's the issue.


They want positivity not reality. However with that said he goes way overboard with the pessimism and overreacts too often. But in terms of being right, he's definitely one of the better analysts. 


That's exactly it. He's often right, but focuses so much on the negative that it's draining, and doesn't seem to be able to muster any kind of optimism that what the team is doing right now could possibly lead to success. I don't know either, but as a fan, I have to be optimistic or for me, there's no point in even watching if I'm convinced the team has zero chance of making the playoffs before the season even starts.

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2 hours ago, Rick_theRyper said:

On the plus side with the Soucy injury, looks like we get a good long look at Hughes Hronek. That could be a really damn good pair, unfortunately means Myers is playing more minutes see how he handles it this year..

I agree it will be fun to see them together. 


But ideally I think Hronek runs the second pair and Hughes the first. We need good puck movers on the D side, so it might help more to spread them out. 

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