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[Report] Conor Garland given permission to seek trade

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1 minute ago, PureQuickness said:


Honestly, he shouldn't have re-signed Miller. It's a little bit ironic that Allvin uses the re-tool word, but doesn't get nearly as much as criticism as when Benning did. This is the hypocrisy I wanted to point out.


Benning left the team in a way that Allvin could've done a refresh on, but Benning's the one that gets all the criticism for the decisions that Allvin/JR has made.


I just want to call things as they are.

Sure, I was the conductor of the trade Miller train. But that's not the way then decided to go. The traded Horvat though, and trading both never really seemed like a viable option to stay competitive. 


I don't think it's hypocrisy at all. I think it's a new gm who's been actively shedding cap while trying to make the best out of the roster he was left with. Benning doesn't get crapped on for any Alvin's moves, he gets criticized for his laundry list of terrible long term plays that left the team underachieving, capped out, and with little prospects to come up and give us cap relief.


Your opinion seems to differ though. But I don't see it the same as you, at all.

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Dec 13 2021 Rutherford took over- PA just a few days after that.

Miller      @ 8 mill per

Boeser    @  6.65 mill per

Mik          @ 4.75

Kuz          @ 5.5 

soucy       @ 3.25

cole          @ 3.



before you know it, they've spent real money

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1 minute ago, PureQuickness said:


Honestly, he shouldn't have re-signed Miller. It's a little bit ironic that Allvin uses the re-tool word, but doesn't get nearly as much as criticism as when Benning did. This is the hypocrisy I wanted to point out.


Benning left the team in a way that Allvin could've done a refresh on, but Benning's the one that gets all the criticism for the decisions that Allvin/JR has made.


I just want to call things as they are.


It's not the retool that I have an issue with as much. I think it's more the trades and deals he's made that really caused harm to the organization. Another poster mentioned how Allvin had to buy out OEL - and OEL and Garland are both Benning deals. We should have a young up and coming forward with that 9th OA, but instead, we had a massive 7 year deal that came with OEL and a deal nobody wants in Garland as well. So yes, Benning deserves all the criticism he deserves for asinine deals he's made that has crippled this franchise. 


Benning left the team in a devastated way. It would have taken a few years to come out under the damage that Benning did. And he was GM for nearly 10 years, and we made the playoffs ONCE. I'm curious with Allvin, let's see what his record is with the team as GM. But if we make the playoffs this season, he's already matched Benning's playoff record, in my opinion. 


Miller deal is suspect to me still. But I would rather take a gamble on Miller and his fiery competitiveness (even if it's over the edge at times), than some of the players Benning brought in via trade, and there were a lot of them that didn't work out, like, almost unreasonably a lot. 


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Just now, Sell.the.team said:

Wish they would give him a chance to flourish before pawning him off for scraps.

Yea constantly putting him in the bottom 6 when he belongs in the top 6. I think it would be great to move him but coaching and management haven’t helped things in this particular scenario 

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3 minutes ago, WillisD said:

Agree. I was hoping he would find a solid spot on the team but not to be. What a colossal turd pile that OEL trade was. Fak

Worst trade in franchise history, and I've been saying that from the minute it happened. There was zero upside at all then, and it's been a monumental disaster since. I've had countless discussions on people trying to convince me "at least we got Garland". But I have no idea what people are in him. He doesn't play well with litterally anyone on the team, he has all but abandoned his feisty nature that earned him his contract, and he spins around the ice until he takes a sharp angle shot. Sure he produces, but not at a rate that justifies his cap. I've never seen the appeal.

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If the team is taking this approach with Garland, then I'm assuming there's also no market for Beauvillier, even with salary retained.


I know Garland's a different story - he's under contract for 2 more seasons after this one - but if this year's cap constraint is the larger issue, then Beauvillier would seem to be the easier candidate to move, no (irrespective of roster fit)?


It's too bad. I actually like Garland even when he played with ARI. Just hasn't found his footing here.

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11 minutes ago, PureQuickness said:


Honestly, he shouldn't have re-signed Miller. It's a little bit ironic that Allvin uses the re-tool word, but doesn't get nearly as much as criticism as when Benning did. This is the hypocrisy I wanted to point out.


Benning left the team in a way that Allvin could've done a refresh on, but Benning's the one that gets all the criticism for the decisions that Allvin/JR has made.


I just want to call things as they are.


Benning also was in a flat cap era, in a period where there was supposedly cap that was going up. Allvin now knows that the cap will go up. You can't criticize a GM who planned for a higher cap, but this changed when COVID happened. In a way, it's nobody's fault, but also Benning's fault for not preparing himself room.

It's like Allvin. We're so tight to the cap that when Soucy's injury happened, we are in a somewhat precarious situation. It's not Allvin's fault that Soucy got injured. But we've seen this song and dance before when you give yourself so little room to manuever. I feel like we are re-living another era of Benning 2.0, but this time there are better free agent signings by Allvin and more questionable trades.

Miller was a great signing.

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4 minutes ago, John.Tallhouse said:


they’ve both been underperforming but at least Garland has that dog in him. Honestly don’t notice either of them most nights tho which is the bigger problem. 


If we're gonna talk about having dog in him, might as well reference the only dog rating I know of 




Faber actually came up with an overall formula to measure how much dog a player has in him. Garland actually rates low on that, actually on par with Boeser. Obviously this isn't an exact science, but I find it an interest reference when people talk about Garland playing with grit. He has the potential to be that player, but far more often then not he doesn't play that way and focuses far more on individual efforts and points.

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4 minutes ago, DeNiro said:

Ugh is it too much to ask to not have distractions like this right before the season?


Funny they bring Tocchet in and within a few months they’re buying out OEL and trying to dump Garland. I guess he wasn’t a fan of theirs in Arizona…


Can’t believe in 8 Benning drafts we could possibly have nothing to show for 4 top 10 picks…🥴

Really wish Linden was allowed to run the team properly. Things would look a lot different around here 

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1 minute ago, MeanSeanBean said:


If we're gonna talk about having dog in him, might as well reference the only dog rating I know of 




Faber actually came up with an overall formula to measure how much dog a player has in him. Garland actually rates low on that, actually on par with Boeser. Obviously this isn't an exact science, but I find it an interest reference when people talk about Garland playing with grit. He has the potential to be that player, but far more often then not he doesn't play that way and focuses far more on individual efforts and points.

Totally, both of them underperform but on good nights Garland is annoying to play against. We’ve seen him hounding guys in the corner and creating goals on a number of occasions. Boeser out here cosplaying as a 2nd liner. 

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20 minutes ago, PureQuickness said:


Honestly, he shouldn't have re-signed Miller. It's a little bit ironic that Allvin uses the re-tool word, but doesn't get nearly as much as criticism as when Benning did. This is the hypocrisy I wanted to point out.


Benning left the team in a way that Allvin could've done a refresh on, but Benning's the one that gets all the criticism for the decisions that Allvin/JR has made.


I just want to call things as they are.


Benning also was in a flat cap era, in a period where there was supposedly cap that was going up. Allvin now knows that the cap will go up. You can't criticize a GM who planned for a higher cap, but this changed when COVID happened. In a way, it's nobody's fault, but also Benning's fault for not preparing himself room.

It's like Allvin. We're so tight to the cap that when Soucy's injury happened, we are in a somewhat precarious situation. It's not Allvin's fault that Soucy got injured. But we've seen this song and dance before when you give yourself so little room to manuever. I feel like we are re-living another era of Benning 2.0, but this time there are better free agent signings by Allvin and more questionable trades.


Is this satire?  OEL at $7.2 million for 4 more years is a way to refresh the team?  Garland, Pearson, Poolman, Myers.  Give me a break.  None of those contracts are even moveable, how was it exactly that Allvin could have simply done a refresh?


Not re-signing Miller would have been a dumb move.  He is the heart and soul of the team.  Trading Horvat was a great move and we got a top 4 RHD out of the deal.  Allvin got a 40 goal scorer for free.  Also picked up several depth players for free.


The Benning stain is still on this team.  Forced to do a buyout on OEL, Myers at $6 million for one more year, Garland virtually untradeable at $4.95 million for 3 more years.


It's gonna take another year at least to get rid of the Benning stain and to bring this team to where it's supposed to me.  Benning brought us Petey, Hughes and Demko and we thank him for at least doing that.  But most of his other moves were horrible...

Edited by Elias Pettersson
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7 minutes ago, MeanSeanBean said:


If we're gonna talk about having dog in him, might as well reference the only dog rating I know of 




Faber actually came up with an overall formula to measure how much dog a player has in him. Garland actually rates low on that, actually on par with Boeser. Obviously this isn't an exact science, but I find it an interest reference when people talk about Garland playing with grit. He has the potential to be that player, but far more often then not he doesn't play that way and focuses far more on individual efforts and points.

Feel like we haven’t seen the angry elf side of him pretty much since about midway through his first season. 
‘May just be signed big contract and is a bit more complacent which is not a place his game can be. 

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