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Economic Models/Systems For Society Today/Tomorrow


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4 minutes ago, NucksRuleYou said:


No, I'm not. If there is no truly socialist countries in this world, you can't sit there and tell me it is bad and only capitalism is good. You are just proving to me you have no clue about what you are talking about.


a market economy with a strong social safety net is the best outcome we have right now, that lies in the realm of reality. 

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Just now, NucksRuleYou said:


Oh, don't even start with that garbage. You refuse to actually listen to what I said and actually watch the video I posted. You are not looking to discuss this rationally when you immediately try to shut down what others are telling you.


I'm not shutting down anyone, I'm asking for a simple worked example of where socialism has been successful. 

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Just now, Bob Long said:


a market economy with a strong social safety net is the best outcome we have right now, that lies in the realm of reality. 


How the hell would you know what the best outcome is? All we've ever known is a capitalist economy. You have no clue what the best outcome actually is.

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Just now, NucksRuleYou said:


How the hell would you know what the best outcome is? All we've ever known is a capitalist economy. You have no clue what the best outcome actually is.


but we do. In every place thats tried to implement socialism its failed. They have had to turn to at least a partial use of market capitalism. 

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Just now, Bob Long said:


I'm not shutting down anyone, I'm asking for a simple worked example of where socialism has been successful. 


And I told you no country is actually socialist, so how the fuck can anyone give an example of a system that hasn't been full implemented? The few countries that tried got blown up by America and destabilized, where America stole their resources for pennies on the dollar.


Again, this is something you'd know if you actually did the research instead of assuming the only thing you've ever known in life is the only right answer.

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28 minutes ago, NucksRuleYou said:

It is amazing how many people still blindly defend capitalism. They use the same tired talking points, which just tells me they know fuck all about what they are talking about.


Just to get the ball rolling, here is a nice video about the myth that people become lazy without capitalism. Let's see if certain posters in here will actually be willing to get properly educated on the subject.



The one thing I would expand on the video is about automation. Owners are disincentived... until they aren't. When labour costs more than the robot replacements it's a no brainer. And we're there in a lot of ways already.


CGP Grey did a great video on automation called "Humans Need Not Apply" which I highly recommend:




And with the rise of bots like ChatGPT and others its only a matter of time before the "brain" jobs go with it as well.


Here are a list of jobs most likely and least likely to be automated sometime in the future:




That was a great video. Thanks for sharing.

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49 minutes ago, Playoff Beered said:


Nobody should speak but me. 



Pretty shocking. You and I actually agree on something.

38 minutes ago, Bob Long said:


?  I am being civil. 


I'd really like you to just try to provide a simple, practical example of how your concept would work. 


Stop being such an evil bastard!

34 minutes ago, NucksRuleYou said:

It is amazing how many people still blindly defend capitalism. They use the same tired talking points, which just tells me they know fuck all about what they are talking about.


Just to get the ball rolling, here is a nice video about the myth that people become lazy without capitalism. Let's see if certain posters in here will actually be willing to get properly educated on the subject.



You are swearing and getting angry like you are 18 and mad because nobody's listening to you. He's asking for examples and proof. If you are so passionate about your position, you should be able to offer proof and examples, no?

19 minutes ago, NucksRuleYou said:


Nah, I'm not fucking bothering with you. You clearly refuse to be educated on the subject. Skimming through the video doesn't mean you know what he is saying.


Also, no one can give you how life would be under socialism because there is no fucking socialist countries on this planet. "Socialism is bad" is just more propaganda bullshit by America.

Again more swearing. Funny, Why people who make a decent living are never in favour of socialism, nor is job producers. Imagine having our federal government-run businesses lol there wouldn't be groceries in the stores ever.

13 minutes ago, NucksRuleYou said:


Oh, don't even start with that garbage. You refuse to actually listen to what I said and actually watch the video I posted. You are not looking to discuss this rationally when you immediately try to shut down what others are telling you.

Spoken like a true communist getting angry because others won't buy into your position.

7 minutes ago, NucksRuleYou said:


And I told you no country is actually socialist, so how the fuck can anyone give an example of a system that hasn't been full implemented? The few countries that tried got blown up by America and destabilized, where America stole their resources for pennies on the dollar.


Again, this is something you'd know if you actually did the research instead of assuming the only thing you've ever known in life is the only right answer.

Again more swearing right on the very first post it said to be civil. Did it not?

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6 minutes ago, NucksRuleYou said:


Yes, mental gymnastics. You and bob are quite adept at that.


That's for sure. I was in the US politics thread trying to discuss the oligarchical power structure and how it affects the US system and  @Bob Long

 @Playoff Beered


we're doing the funniest fucking chicken dance I've ever seen in my life.   If mental gymnastics was an Olympic sport they'd clean up the gold in every category. No doubt about it.

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7 minutes ago, Ryan Strome said:

Pretty shocking. You and I actually agree on something.

Stop being such an evil bastard!

You are swearing and getting angry like you are 18 and mad because nobody's listening to you. He's asking for examples and proof. If you are so passionate about your position, you should be able to offer proof and examples, no?

Again more swearing. Funny, Why people who make a decent living are never in favour of socialism, nor is job producers. Imagine having our federal government-run businesses lol there wouldn't be groceries in the stores ever.

Spoken like a true communist getting angry because others won't buy into your position.

Again more swearing right on the very first post it said to be civil. Did it not?


Don't throw around communism like you know what it means.


Gee, I wonder why those in power who profit the most off of capitalism don't want to give up their power and move to something like socialism. You sure showed me. 🙃

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31 minutes ago, NucksRuleYou said:


Oh, don't even start with that garbage. You refuse to actually listen to what I said and actually watch the video I posted. You are not looking to discuss this rationally when you immediately try to shut down what others are telling you.

They aren't here to learn and discuss ideas. They are here to make bad faith arguments and troll.  Saw it in the last thread too.


But it's really funny watching people to try to talk about things they HAVE NO idea about.


It's like telling a doctor they are wrong about a diagnosis while never having actually studied medicine themselves. Years of practice, study.


Christ. I wouldn't talk about aeronautical engineering to the jet engine mechanic who's studied it, works in the field and tell him how to fix this or that or what this or that part does. Because that is not my area of expertise and I have ZERO place to talk about it! I'd look like an idiot and be an idiot if I even attempted it.


Take the fucking hint, boys.

Edited by Canuckle
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1 minute ago, NucksRuleYou said:


Don't throw around communism like you know what it means.


Gee, I wonder why those in power who profit the most off of capitalism don't want to give up their power and move to something like socialism. You sure showed me. 🙃

I'm yet to find anybody that makes over $100,000 a year that likes your idea. That's the point I'm making. Again provide facts and proof and somebody might take you serious. Until then. It's doubtful anybody is going to take you serious. Why don't you point to the countries that are thriving or have thrived previously or the socialist government. Your partner there who nobody else on this forum take serious either was talking about how the Norway taxes the hell out of corporations, I had to point out to him that he is completely wrong on that. So why should anybody take you too serious when the only evidence you provide is false evidence? Actually, I apologize you haven't provided false evidence because you haven't provided anything except somebody else's YouTube video lol.

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1 minute ago, Ryan Strome said:

I'm yet to find anybody that makes over $100,000 a year that likes your idea. That's the point I'm making. Again provide facts and proof and somebody might take you serious. Until then. It's doubtful anybody is going to take you serious. Why don't you point to the countries that are thriving or have thrived previously or the socialist government. Your partner there who nobody else on this forum take serious either was talking about how the Norway taxes the hell out of corporations, I had to point out to him that he is completely wrong on that. So why should anybody take you too serious when the only evidence you provide is false evidence? Actually, I apologize you haven't provided false evidence because you haven't provided anything except somebody else's YouTube video lol.


Gee, I wonder why well off people don't want things to change. Something I just said, actually.


The burden of proof is on you. It is your turn to provide some facts, not stupid propaganda that is clearly false. Maybe actually provide me a list of countries that are actually socialist. Hint: Cuba and Venezuela aren't actually socialist. So, maybe learn what socialism is before telling me you are so well educated on the subject. If you are unwilling to do that, then get lost and stop wasting my time.

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32 minutes ago, NucksRuleYou said:


They failed because of The United States. They didn't magically fail on their own.


Western powers in general, absolutely.


You know for countries that claim "socialism doesn't work" they spend a whole lot of time trying to stop them, don't they  lol.


Its like. Well, yeah they failed. You killed them.


Like your a building a brand new house. Foundation is good. Walls are good. The roof is just going on and then someone comes by and burns it to the fucking ground.


Then the arsonist turns to you and says "it was just a bad build. It burned by itself. It would never stay up." And boy we've seen a lot of arson fires over the years, haven't we.


It's comical.

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7 minutes ago, Canuckle said:

They aren't here to learn and discuss ideas. They are here to make bad faith arguments and troll.  Saw it in the last thread.



But it's really funny watching people to try to talk about things they HAVE NO idea about.


Its like them telling a doctor they are wrong about a diagnosis while never having actually studied medicine themselves. Years of practice, study.


Christ. I wouldn't talk about aeronautical engineering to some guy who's studied it and works in the field and tell him how to fix this or that or what this or that part does. Because that is not my area of expertise and I have ZERO place to talk about it! 


I'd look like an idiot and be an idiot if I even attempted it.


Take the fucking hint, boys.


It's amazing how the uneducated try so hard to convince you that they are the educated ones, yet can't even provide actual facts to back up the propaganda they blindly believe.

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Just now, NucksRuleYou said:


Gee, I wonder why well off people don't want things to change. Something I just said, actually.


The burden of proof is on you. It is your turn to provide some facts, not stupid propaganda that is clearly false. Maybe actually provide me a list of countries that are actually socialist. Hint: Cuba and Venezuela aren't actually socialist. So, maybe learn what socialism is before telling me you are so well educated on the subject. If you are unwilling to do that, then get lost and stop wasting my time.

The point I was trying to make is that people like you want us to pay for everything so that everybody can be lazy. Second to that point I will second what @Bob Long is saying provide me some proof of where it's worked and how it would work? I know this is going to be a stumbling part for you because in socialism nobody's rich they are equally poor. I love when the small fringe socialist crowd comes out They start telling the majority how they are wrong. 

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This utter nonsense that corporations don't pay anything lol


And you two speak of uneducated is actually fitting. Corporations at a federal, provincial and municipal level pay more in taxes than you will in your entire life. What is your issue that if somebody wants to work a little harder they make more money than you? What is your issue that if somebody wants to spend more time in university they will make a little more money than you? There is opportunities all throughout this country where you can make big money. Go do it rather than trying to convince everybody else They should pay more so you can work less.

Edited by Ryan Strome
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1 minute ago, Ryan Strome said:

The point I was trying to make is that people like you want us to pay for everything so that everybody can be lazy. Second to that point I will second what @Bob Long is saying provide me some proof of where it's worked and how it would work? I know this is going to be a stumbling part for you because in socialism nobody's rich they are equally poor. I love when the small fringe socialist crowd comes out They start telling the majority how they are wrong. 


The fact you don't even understand what socialism is, yet try to convince me you know what you are talking about proves how uneducated you are. Nice try.


Maybe instead of embarrassing yourself, watch the video I posted, which was put together by someone who is well-educated. Brushing it off is "some youtube video" doesn't make you smart. It makes you sound afraid to have your views challenged.

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