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On 9/15/2023 at 6:28 PM, Ribs said:

Post a quick snap of your profile on CDC and I'll try to replicate it here (post count, title etc.)

I'm limited to changing:

  • Post count
  • Reputation
  • Rank

Everything else is up to you!


When you get a moment (and thank you for all you are doing for this forum), would you please assist.

I do not know how to "post a quick snap of my profile".

I used to be Goal:thecup and that was rejected, so now I am Goal_thecup.

I joined Sept 3/07 and had 6,295 posts, 7.6k reputation, and Canucks First-Line (10/14).



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26 minutes ago, Nooks said:

I’m here all you amazing people ❤️ 


Sort of also want my content warning for quoting Slap Shot 😂


Bring back the skate and GCG!



I kind of wanted my incredulous warning back too lol. Back when everyone was losing it over Green I was defending him saying the problem was 95% with management. Which became obvious later to everyone. People were talking about laying in wait outside Rogers, slashing his tires, and burning his house down. Just a complete character assassination. I got suspended for saying they might as well get a vigilante group together and hang him on a tree and then burn it down.

They totally took my post out of context and didn't bother reading any of the build up. I was cited for graphic violence. 😆 In all fairness I was far more crude in my posting so I think it was based on my rep more than anything. 

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15 hours ago, Gawdzukes said:

My dad loves your username. He's always reading along on my laptop as I use a monitor for my viewing. He calls you the voice of reason. 🏅

I appreciate that! Tell your dad I said thanks for the compliment.

I might have to change back to the original name. Gonna think about it today. I’ve become aware recently that there are at least a handful of people out there who actually make an effort to search out and read pretty much everything I post. And my notifications the last few days have told me that there are quite a few others who appreciate, enjoy, and value the content I was writing on CDC. So for those folks, it might make sense for me to stick with the old handle (full length, unabbreviated version) so I’m easier to find here, since it would seem there are a few people who actually want to keep following along.

And, surprisingly, there are also a few people out there, like your dad, who love the username.

It’s seemed to be a frequent source of confusion for some people, which was part of my reasoning for shortening it. But the full length version does have a good reason behind it. And maybe I’ll tell the “origin story” one more time (or for the first time at this new site):

Back in the early days of Crosby and Ovechkin’s careers, when they were duking it out for the Calder, and the media leaned in heavily to a narrative around “Sid the Kid” versus “The Great Eight,” Ovi gave a locker room interview where he was asked, probably for the hundredth time that season, to compare himself to Crosby. Ovechkin’s response, delivered deadpan and in somewhat broken English, “Sid is Sid, me is me.” And when the reporters tried to ask the same sort of question again, Ovi repeated, “Sid is Sid, me is me.” At which point they finally got the message.

Ovechkin has said similar things over the years, whenever reporters have tried to get him to bite on questions comparing himself to Crosby, or to other great players, past or present (Ovi gave an near identical “Bure is Bure” quote, when asked to compared his goalscoring ability to Pavel’s). I’ve always appreciated Ovechkin for this.

So that’s the source of the name.

Over my time on CDC, the handle has also grown into a kind of reminder to myself that, no matter how smart I think I am at times, or how much I convince myself I know hockey, I’m not an expert and I have far more to learn than I know about this game. So for myself, “Sid is Sid” means NHL players are NHL players, and “me is me” means fans are fans. I might dig deeper (and more obsessively) at times than the average Canuck fan, when it comes to my attempts to really understand certain elements of this game, but I will never know NHL hockey better than the guys who actual play it on the ice.

Anyway, probably the wrong thread for this lengthy a post, but I’ve never been very good at staying on topic. And many of my longest posts have grown out of replies that were initially intended to be just one or two sentences. 

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43 minutes ago, Gawdzukes said:

I kind of wanted my incredulous warning back too lol. Back when everyone was losing it over Green I was defending him saying the problem was 95% with management. Which became obvious later to everyone. People were talking about laying in wait outside Rogers, slashing his tires, and burning his house down. Just a complete character assassination. I got suspended for saying they might as well get a vigilante group together and hang him on a tree and then burn it down.

They totally took my post out of context and didn't bother reading any of the build up. I was cited for graphic violence. 😆 In all fairness I was far more crude in my posting so I think it was based on my rep more than anything. 

Mine was for when Gagner was getting 1st PP minutes and the only reason anyone in their right mind would do that would be if they had the same incriminating evidence Reggie Dunlop had on the GM/Coach of the Chiefs.  Maybe we’re cut from the same crude cloth. 😄

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3 minutes ago, 6of1_halfdozenofother said:


I had a total of two points assessed to me.  If memory serves correctly, the one active one remaining (the other one I guess lapsed and was deemed no longer active) was for a description I made of how I could see the outcome of myself in a very graphically violent way.  Blood, guts, spray - it was all written out vividly.  I thought that because it wasn't directed at anyone but myself, it wouldn't be seen as offensive (ie. no harm to others, but only describing harm to myself), but I seem to recall the explanation given to me was that the site was supposed to be "family friendly", and that such graphical violence was unacceptable.  Since my first point was still active at the time, I earned a 2-day suspension...


...oh wait, are discussions about moderation actions on other sites verboten here?  :bigblush:

I'm actually really surprised I never got a warning. There were countless times where I felt like I was crossing a line and wondered if action would take place for my words. Instead, a lot of the time I would come back to those posts having the most likes... including from mods. lol

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I guess this is as good a time as any to write a post. like so many have already written this seems like a huge mistake by the Canucks org.
biggest thank you to the mods who immediately took action to right this mistake, and who continue shepherding this community.
never been a big poster, often not even logged in but this community is how I feel connected as a fan. 

Screen Shot 2023-09-17 at 10.37.33 PM.png

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