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[UPDATE] Man arrested under suspicion of manslaughter (RIP - Adam Johnson passes away following horrific skate injury)

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16 minutes ago, Bombastik der Teutone said:

this ...looked like a sidekick . defintely made letal damage . absolutely  brutal.   rest in peace 😞


I watched it again.  It actually was his left leg that came up, not his right.  So being off balance shouldn't have mattered.  There are some on twitter saying he swung out the leg on purpose to try and impede his progress and the skate accidentally hit his throat.  If that is the case, it could be involuntary manslaughter.  I wonder how this is going to play out.  Not sure how the laws work in the UK.  


Also, it looks like his jugular was completely torn.  Not sure how he even made it to the bench.  Most likely he passed away in the dressing room.  May he RIP.  What a brutal way to die...   😢

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12 minutes ago, Elias Pettersson said:


I watched it again.  It actually was his left leg that came up, not his right.  So being off balance shouldn't have mattered.  There are some on twitter saying he swung out the leg on purpose to try and impede his progress and the skate accidentally hit his throat.  If that is the case, it could be involuntary manslaughter.  I wonder how this is going to play out.  Not sure how the laws work in the UK.  


Also, it looks like his jugular was completely torn.  Not sure how he even made it to the bench.  Most likely he passed away in the dressing room.  May he RIP.  What a brutal way to die...   😢



Fortunately I don’t expect the comments to degenerate like  on Twitter, YouTube and Reddit since we are a bit more like family here. The guy was  in tears and will be dealing with his part in this tragic accident for the rest of his life. Talk of it being on purpose is grotesque and sickening. My heart goes out to him as well.

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12 minutes ago, Elias Pettersson said:


I watched it again.  It actually was his left leg that came up, not his right.  So being off balance shouldn't have mattered.  There are some on twitter saying he swung out the leg on purpose to try and impede his progress and the skate accidentally hit his throat.  If that is the case, it could be involuntary manslaughter.  I wonder how this is going to play out.  Not sure how the laws work in the UK.  


Also, it looks like his jugular was completely torn.  Not sure how he even made it to the bench.  Most likely he passed away in the dressing room.  May he RIP.  What a brutal way to die...   😢


There is no way they could label this a homicide.  No way.  If the police do try pressing charges it'll be a gross injustice.

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6 hours ago, MeanSeanBean said:

There definitely is. I've worked with a couple hockey players and we've had this discussion about socks and neck guards that protect against cuts. I don't know about the validity of the product, but they definitely exist. 


Do you think would the NHL ever mandate it to protect their players? It took so long to get every one where helmets, which is a far more likely injury prevention PPE. I don't even think everyone wears a visor yet either. 


Wonder if a tragedy like this changes some young players minds about taking extra precautions.


Sadly I dont think even a neck guard would have saved him. The speed and force that the skate caught him in the throat likely would have led to internal bleeding. It was disturbing seeing how hard and fast the skate swung around and hit him. Protection is better than none, I do feel with the loss of life that this may lead to more protection requirements in order to do as much as possible to save lives

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8 hours ago, Ghostsof1915 said:

Isn't there a material that's lightweight, and cut resistant you can wear around your neck that would stop something like that?

Kevlar would do it, but if it's too thick it's going to restrict head movement. 


Tragic accident that certainly sets one thinking. I have 2 sons about his age, I can't imagine what his family are going through. 


Also very traumatic for those at the arena, especially those with small kids.





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22 hours ago, Elias Pettersson said:


This was 20x worse than Clint Malarchuk.  Johnson had the puck and was carrying it into the offensive zone.  The other team's player went to check him, hit one of Johnson's teammates first, lost his balance and his right leg came up and basically he did a kung-fu kick on Johnson's neck with his skate blade as the leg was swinging out.  Total freak accident and the skate blade just happened to have a direct impact on Johnson's neck.


I've never seen so much blood on the ice in a hockey game.  20x worse than Clint Malarchuk.  Don't think he could have been saved.  He probably died in the dressing room.


May he RIP.  And hopefully the NHL makes kevlar protection mandatory for all players.  You can protect your legs, wrists and throat with this technology and it shouldn't impede any movements for a player as it is woven into the fabric so loss of mobility shouldn't be an issue.  Kevlar is 5 times stronger than steel and is used in bullet proof vests...

I’ve watched the video several times it looks to me like the player tried to stick his leg out to trip him and the momentum carried his leg up, it was not a freak accident it was an already dangerous play that was made worse by the contact, it was a reckless careless play that led to this man losing his life. 

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38 minutes ago, Pycnotic said:

I’ve watched the video several times it looks to me like the player tried to stick his leg out to trip him and the momentum carried his leg up, it was not a freak accident it was an already dangerous play that was made worse by the contact, it was a reckless careless play that led to this man losing his life. 


I agree.  I watched it again and I initially thought it was his right leg that went up went he hit the opposing player in front of him.  But actually it was his left leg that went up.  He wasn't off balance, so the only way that leg would have came up is if he did it intentionally.  And I agree with you, he lifted his left leg up and out to try and impede Adam Johnson's progress, possibly to trip him.  But the leg shot up instead and swung right towards his head and his skate had a direct impact on his neck.


IMO, this was a reckless act, it certainly wasn't intentional, but it was reckless.  There was no reason why his leg should have been up in the air like that, it wasn't a normal hockey play.  IMO, the police will investigate it.  Not sure how the laws work in the UK, but in Canada this could be considered involuntary manslaughter.  We will see what happens...

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#Manslaughter is trending on Twitter.  Every time I watch the incident, it looks more and more intentional each time.  Also, the player who was involved, Matt Petgrave, apparently has had other incidents in the past and led the league in penalty minutes last year...


Wow, there is another slow motion video of the incident, and it shows that Matt Petgrave kicked him not once, but twice...   😲

Edited by Elias Pettersson
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Police are investigating the death of hockey player Adam Johnson after he got slashed in the neck by opposing team member Matt Petgrave's skate.


Online social media users are split on whether the kick was intentional or an accident. It is currently not completely clear if police are specifically investigating Petgrave's involvement, but they stated it is “normal procedure” and are investigating the “circumstances surrounding the incident.”


“Our officers remain at the scene carrying out inquiries. Our investigation into the circumstances surrounding the incident remain ongoing,” the South Yorkshire Police said.


“We would encourage the public to avoid speculation regarding the incident while we continue our inquiries.”

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30 minutes ago, Mike Vanderhoek said:

The police will investigate every and any time there is a death, that is standard.


It is a horribly tragic incident that happened but people slowing video down or watching frame by frame or in repetition to build to try and establish intent of being reckless or worse need to realize this happens in mere seconds if not less and it is not uncommon for players off balance or after a hit etc to hang a leg or part of their body to make contact. I get people try to find answers and in events where there is loss there is almost always a hunger for someone to be at blame and if that is not goo d enough to be at fault and be punished for it.


This person, Matt Petgrave is going to have to live with what happened already, he will be ripped by the public and as has been reported receive threats to he and his family for his actions, reckless sure, intentional as to the final outcome no way.


I just think to continue down this path of suggesting or looking to find more to it then what simply happened is in poor taste and definitely disrespectful to those involved in the actual incident.


My two cents anyways. Hope this incident if anything pushes for change and further protections for players moving forward.

Very good post, cheers.


As for the bolded part, in the very least they will need access to an improved medical team at rink side, there's no way that player would have gotten up and proceeded to skate away if that happened in the show...the team doctors/trauma team would have been performing critical care right there on the ice....of course there are cost certainties involved, and much different revenue between the leagues in question, but an acceptable "middle ground" needs to be found in the very least.

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20 hours ago, -dlc- said:


The team is heartbroken.


Will they make it mandatory that all their players wear neck guards, and anyone that says no gets traded?


Sadly- I think not much will happen,

A bunch of talk, a bunch of condolences, and likely nothing will change.

League had a perfect opportunity when Clint M nearly died- and would have if he was tending the net at the other end of the rink.

Was a bunch of talk about mandating neck guards then too, but as usual, it was nothing but talk.

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didn't watch the video i don't want to watch it.. but i doubt anyone would intentionally use their skate to attack someone intentionally regardless how heated they are in the moment. if they end up pressing charge it won't stick.. though the guy prolly will never play hockey again and have to live with killing someone the rest of his life

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1 hour ago, Mike Vanderhoek said:

The police will investigate every and any time there is a death, that is standard.


It is a horribly tragic incident that happened but people slowing video down or watching frame by frame or in repetition to build to try and establish intent of being reckless or worse need to realize this happens in mere seconds if not less and it is not uncommon for players off balance or after a hit etc to hang a leg or part of their body to make contact. I get people try to find answers and in events where there is loss there is almost always a hunger for someone to be at blame and if that is not goo d enough to be at fault and be punished for it.


This person, Matt Petgrave is going to have to live with what happened already, he will be ripped by the public and as has been reported receive threats to he and his family for his actions, reckless sure, intentional as to the final outcome no way.


I just think to continue down this path of suggesting or looking to find more to it then what simply happened is in poor taste and definitely disrespectful to those involved in the actual incident.


My two cents anyways. Hope this incident if anything pushes for change and further protections for players moving forward.


Involuntary manslaughter is the unintended killing of a person while committing a crime, or acting in a reckless or negligent manner. This type of homicide is committed without malice or intent, even accidentally, and is considered a less serious crime than murder. To explore this concept, consider the following involuntary manslaughter definition.


Involuntary manslaughter isn't intentional.  It is acting in a reckless manner, even accidentally.  100%, they could never prove it was intentional.  However, it is possible they could prove it was reckless.  I have never seen a hockey player make a kung-fu kick to someone's head before.  Regardless of if he lost his balance or not, how does the leg from the side you are skating on suddenly go up and almost above your head?  That is not a normal reaction to losing your balance on the ice.  

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That was a double tap with the skate.  It was 100% intentional.  Police are investigating.  Let's see if they do the right thing and charge this guy.


With the Malarchuk injury, his jugular was severed.  Fortunately, the Sabres' trainer at the time was once a Vietnam combat medic and knew enough to, and how to properly, pinch off the jugular to stop the bleeding.  Malarchuk developed a years-long drinking problem and has PTSD about that incident to this day.


With Johnson, all his teammate did was apply pressure to a severed jugular while leaving the ice.  That just help delay his death by a minute or two.

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