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StealthNuck Appreciation Thread


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Ribs/SN you are amazing!!

Thank you good sir! You have made so many peoples days here. I think you may not know the full extent of it just yet. Or maybe you do. This community means something and we're all forever grateful to you for doing this. 

This community got me through covid, divorce, losing my home, moving over 5 times in 2 years, my company getting bought out, finding new work, finding out my new jobs boss was an asshole and having to find more new work...then finally meeting my new love, getting married again and finally settling down again...just too much to walk away from here. This place has been the calm in my storm if you can believe that.  So many of personal memories are tied to this site.


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Like many, this is the only social media I participate in.  I value all the perspectives everyone gives here and try to give my best 2 cents in return.  Thanks @Ribs for setting this up.  If we need to chip in some donations to keep it running I will gladly help.

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I have been on iterations of this forum since about 1990 (??) when I got an old IBM 8088 and a modem (what 14.4 and later 28.8??).

I forget now the gaps between different ones.  And I forget how long they were or how much I missed the forum when it was unavailable.

CDC always listed my start as 2007 but I was on it earlier and re-registered or something in 2007.

My point is, that I did not realize how much of my life is spent on it until I awoke that fateful day and had to think, wth am I going to do now?

Also, my real point is to thank all for providing a way we can all carry on enjoying our forum.

Thank you very much.

(Now all you kiddies get back to work, or class, or whatever and let us old farts play!)

Alzheimer order god GIF on GIFER - by Sailanim

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