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Elliotte Friedman? Omfg!


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3 hours ago, Bounce000 said:

Want to know a cool life hack? You’ll be happier if you don’t get your panties in a bunch over what some guy on TV says.want to 

Want to know a cool life hack, don't believe everything you hear from a schmuck behind a microphone that most other people believe because they don't question it..  he was on the JT Miller (we got ripped off train) like the rest of the vancouver bush league media did. 

The only guy who got it right on any media at all was Bob McK, but look how many boneheads believed the other way, funny how JT came in and scored 100 points upon arrival and on a 5 mil budget cap hit. 

How did we get ripped off exactly? 

 I guess you missed the point... I'm not surprised though.

 Want more? This is the same guy who had us pegged for being at the bottom of the standing again, by not remembering our D was decimated to start off last season and we had mostly a AHL defense who had no chance in hell of stopping the leagues top teams let alone middling teams with a regular NHL defense playing. 

Him staying things like that without taking into account the reason and then saying we'd probably be there again even though we made improvements in the area and again forgetting how TOC had us back to relatively playing a much better overall game at the tail end of last season,that should have been a big hint to him but there is my point, plain and simple.

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7 hours ago, LaBamba said:

I mean….what exactly is wrong with Overachieving? 

Let’s be real here. If you are a NHL analyst looking at the past 10 years of Canucks hockey and what changes were made during the offseason, are you predicting they’re at the top of the western conference? Anyone who predicted this start completely pulled it out of their homer ass. Lol

Relax bro, we are 100% overachieving and there is absolutely nothing wrong with that. The NJ Devils from like 1995 to 2005 were overachievers and won a few cups. 

This is 10 games in. I see nothing wrong with his assessment. 

Because we're not overachieving, this is what this team is capable of when they play like they can, so explain to me how you don't see anything wrong with what he said? Especially with the new additions as well? He's taking everything out of the start of last season and running with it even though that's changed...

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4 hours ago, Coconuts said:


Pretty much, I don't think most folks who aren't optimistic Canucks fans had the Canucks having this kid of start. It's not as if we've had a great track record the last decade or so, I think most hockey pundits had us improving and maybe being a wildcard or third seed spot. Or somewhere in no man's land. Skepticism isnt unwarranted, neither is being pragmatic. 


Dunno why folks gotta be upset at hockey media for not waving pompoms and proclaiming this team as having turned things around after eleven games. Nothing wrong with overachieving, just enjoy it while it lasts. We're a Pettersson, Hughes, Demko, or Miller injury away from things suddenly looking very different. And yes, that is true for most teams, but these things happen and it's super early. 

Idk why you think that, we had a ton of injuries last year and were never able to put a roster on the ice without AHL guys, this season is completely different as in when we're healthy and everyone is on the same page, we play really well.

 However that's the reason I've been on about depth so much, we have some potential NHL players in the system for once but until it's grown and on the ice, we won't get far like you said. 

 BUT we're hardly overachieving, we needed a few additional players to help and we got them and then the rest of our guys continuing they're last season ends play which all of them have. 

 If this is overachieving, what are people going to call it when we continue to get better like we're completely capable of? 

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Last year, we underachieved. I fully believed in this core coming into last year and this year. The support pieces still need tweaking but the core is absolutely there.


I said to a guy who wanted to rebuild before the year began: "So we have an elite #1 center, an elite #1 d-man, an elite #1 goalie and an elite #2 center all in or before their prime and you want to tear it all down?"

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10 hours ago, LaBamba said:

100% sometimes a coach just lines up perfectly with the roaster. This could be the case but in reality we are really jumping the gun here.

We are falling in love here like 2 recently divorced middle agers liberated from a miserable marriage. 

It's ok to get some enjoyment out of this deal.


Will it last forever? No. But in the moment this team's doing pretty damn good and we don't have to forecast the future to enjoy that.


I'd say "jumping the gun" is looking past these wins to down the road and what is unknown. If we stay in the moment, things are pretty great right now.

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9 hours ago, The Duke said:

On one hand, it’s tough to be a good team without goaltending.  That’s rare territory. 

Also, with all due respect to Demko, it sure feels like we’ve played with the lead a whole lot this year.  While we haven’t sat back like we have in the past, I’m sure some of Demko’s save percentage are some score effects while we keep the shots to the outside. Obviously he’s made some beauties, but not as many as he had to, say, during the Bruce bump.


Kind of an interesting discussion on how much Demko/DeSmith get credit for our record.  DeSmith stole the 2nd Oilers game.  Any more?  I’d say they’re doing their jobs - but we aren’t riding their coattails despite some fabulous numbers they’ve put up.


True. But I think yesterday would have been another game that could have gone very differently if Demko didn't make that potential save of the year. Not to say we wouldn't have come back but going down 1-0 early would have changed the game.

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6 hours ago, iceman1964 said:

Because we're not overachieving, this is what this team is capable of when they play like they can, so explain to me how you don't see anything wrong with what he said? Especially with the new additions as well? He's taking everything out of the start of last season and running with it even though that's changed...

If this was March I’d agree with you. We are 11 games in. Relax. 

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2 hours ago, -dlc- said:

It's ok to get some enjoyment out of this deal.


Will it last forever? No. But in the moment this team's doing pretty damn good and we don't have to forecast the future to enjoy that.


I'd say "jumping the gun" is looking past these wins to down the road and what is unknown. If we stay in the moment, things are pretty great right now.

Hey I’m enjoying the hell out of it. This team may melt the ice off my cold heart. It’s just too early for me to disagree with Elliot Friedman’s assessment. 

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The success we see shows that the players are happy and motivated to go above and beyond (overachieve) - now, especially. Some thoughts about what helps to motivate:


1. Winning obviously- I'll name it so it's said - the players witness the success that Tocchet's and the legendary coaching staff's gameplan of hard work and structure brings.


Playing like this is very hard though, and 'success' is probably not enough on its own for any-old group of players to commit to. Leading to the next points - (Hopefully this style of play continues without burning players out and leading to injury, which would be devastating. Hughes and Hronek are eating a lot of minutes and looking good doing it)


2. The characters in the room. Players like Miller, EP, Huggy, and Demko are wired to win - additions like Cole and Hronek seem to be the same. Talent AND a chip on their shoulder / pride in their game.


Love this core, and loving the talented personalities management is bringing in to support them. It's not just one or two guys with this drive - a whole leadership committee. If you're a peripheral player not working as hard as the leaders-by-example, that's probably noticed.


3. Some important expiring contracts coming up soon - one of many factors, but I believe it's worth naming as a helpful motivator for certain players. Say what we will, but players want to earn the best contract they can in addition to winning (e.g. Hughes explicitly naming hockey as a 'business' - a key learning for him and likely EP also from the aftertaste of the previous management letting glue guys like Tanev, Toffoli, Markstrom, and even Stetcher go, and how it was handled). 


4. Huggy just got the C and that would be a huge motivator for him, especially given how much pride he takes in his game. This would be a great motivator for the team also, because Huggy seems like strong glue for this core. (Awesome job by management to confer the C on him.)


5. Off-season acquisitions showing the core that management is trying to put them in a winning position - no one wants to lose, and no one wants to lose in this market with this media. A clear message was sent from management.


These are just a handful of things in my mind - many more factors, I'm sure.


All of these things coming together at the right time -> achieving above and beyond.


Hopefully this management can keep our top players happy - we've seen what an unhappy EP looks like, and it's not pretty. 


A good job all around for the organization, top to bottom. Even FA maybe, for finally hiring experienced people to do the job and letting them do it.



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9 hours ago, Rounoush said:

Last year, we underachieved. I fully believed in this core coming into last year and this year. The support pieces still need tweaking but the core is absolutely there.


I said to a guy who wanted to rebuild before the year began: "So we have an elite #1 center, an elite #1 d-man, an elite #1 goalie and an elite #2 center all in or before their prime and you want to tear it all down?"


I remember Drance mentioning the baseline of this team somewhere in the low 90's point range. So yes the team was horrendously underachieving with everything going wrong given their baseline especially before Tocchet took over.


But also in their point Pace now, the Canucks right now are overachieving with some recent luck on their side.


Keep in mind under and over achieving is normal for any other team. Seattle overachieved last season with an unsustainable shooting percentage and Vegas two seasons under achieve with everything going wrong (yet despite that they barley missed the playoffs). So it's a normal occurance. 

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4 hours ago, LaBamba said:

If this was March I’d agree with you. We are 11 games in. Relax. 

I'm not kidding myself like we don't still need tweaks and developed depth, but look at how many new faces have shown up and it takes time to get used to them and them to us, this is my argument to EF, we're just getting going so this is hardly over achieving considering we still take some bad out of position penalties and simple boneheaded ones, yes most but we can't just lean on a good PK and Demko all the time, because sooner or later it will cost us games, sometimes a bit eager to forecheck and get to deep and cause oddman rushes against us. We still have work to do, and we have the potential to do so, and I still disagree we're overachieving, we just have a better D and the team buying into a 200' foot game. That's all it is, nothing more, we've been in this position before, this isn't new. 

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2 hours ago, iceman1964 said:

I'm not kidding myself like we don't still need tweaks and developed depth, but look at how many new faces have shown up and it takes time to get used to them and them to us, this is my argument to EF, we're just getting going so this is hardly over achieving considering we still take some bad out of position penalties and simple boneheaded ones, yes most but we can't just lean on a good PK and Demko all the time, because sooner or later it will cost us games, sometimes a bit eager to forecheck and get to deep and cause oddman rushes against us. We still have work to do, and we have the potential to do so, and I still disagree we're overachieving, we just have a better D and the team buying into a 200' foot game. That's all it is, nothing more, we've been in this position before, this isn't new. 

You had high hopes and they have delivered.
I’m not discrediting the team and our start. I’m just not convinced we are a juggernaut. Cause our record suggests we are. 

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record wise i have the canucks about 2 wins more than what i expected at the start of the season. prolly going 50/50 against the playoff teams and beating all the non playoff teams.. it's pretty close in terms of the record but the way they have played is what's amazed me so far and i think they are overachieving a little. i doubt demko will continue to have a .980 sv% on high danger chances 5v5 when league average historically is around .850.. the highest last season for goalies that played decent amount of games was samsonov at .901 and the next closest was .876 so chances are demko will come back to earth. even ur vezina winner is only at 871.. so ya i say some players are overachieving.. at the same time we got lucky with the schedule and playing struggling/injured teams at the perfect time when they are stumbling everywhere tampa missing their goalies and florida missing half their defence. i doubt we continue this point pace.. but if we continue to play like this in terms of effort.. then we can prolly guarantee a top 3 division finish for sure

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14 minutes ago, Gurn said:

Canucks have beaten 1 team that is above .500.-until the Dalas game- now 2 teams above .500


Nice start, but until the competition improves, the numbers are skewed.

It´s 3 teams: Panthers, St. Louis and Dallas

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19 hours ago, -dlc- said:

So maybe our homer asses saw something that others missed?


Because "analysts" don't always watch as carefully as they should. Numbers only tell some of the story.


Being real here means this core was worth sticking with and now they're showing that. I predicted that.

Not many folks stood by Brock.   Miller at times either.   Maybe this is the crew to win us a cup.   I'm struggling to find two better lines then we've had ever ... A short period where Bure and Mogilny intersected is the best I can come up with, or maybe 92-93 when Nedved scored 38 goals as our second line C.    We've never had a QHs.   JR and Allvin have done a great job.    


This can become the best team we've ever had, Allvin as the finisher.   Tochett could also be the best coach we've ever had too, which says a lot because AV, Quin and Neilson all had their moments.    

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1 hour ago, cusm said:

It´s 3 teams: Panthers, St. Louis and Dallas

Florida and St. Louis was sub .500 when we played them so he’s not wrong. The only team we played so far that’s having a good season and not injured is Dallas and New York we are 1-0-1 so it’s not bad. I expect this stretch of Canadian teams will be a testament to where the team is at. Oilers Ottawa Toronto 3 teams struggling and prolly for their sake playing hard to get back on track and Montreal who’s having a surprising start to their season. Based on how we are playing anything less than 3 wins out of the 4 would be disappointing. Although Montreal always have our numbers 

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Theres no doubt we are a better team than last year and we should be.

Replacing 4 of our D men with actual NHL defensemen maybe had some part to play in that. Hronek,Cole especially

Having our actual NHL Goaltender back may have had something to do with that. Adding De Smith didnt hurt either

Having Huggy take another step as Captain may have had something to do with that. Hronek has helped Huggy

Having Hronek come in and be part of a top 2 pairing may have had something to do with that. Nice addition

Having Boeser not have to worry about his Dads cancer may have had something to do with that. Good for Brock

Having a bottom  6 that seems to know how to play hockey may have had something to do with that.

Having a coaching staff with some winning pedigree may have had something to do with that.


People can say whatever they like about the team on TV but the actual results are in the standings and on the ice.

Right now we have the scoring leader in Petey

A Norris trophy candidate in Hughes

A Vezina trophy Candidate in Demko

A Selke trophy Candidate in Petey or Miller

and Jack Adams worthy coach

Pretty good start to the season. If we beat the Oil tonight we are 14 points better than Edmonton after 12 games. Thats a huge hole to try to make up for them. I like our place in the standings much better. Go Canucks Go


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