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[Article] Panthers' Spencer Knight reveals OCD diagnosis that ended 2022-23 campaign


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Panthers' Spencer Knight reveals OCD diagnosis that ended 2022-23 campaign

The netminder revealed that struggles with OCD led to him seeking professional help, and eventually joining the NHL/NHLPA Player Assistance Program.

Thomas Williams
Sat, September 16, 2023 at 12:04 PM PDT

Instead of helping the Florida Panthers in their effort to win the Stanley Cup last postseason, goaltender Spencer Knight was at home in Connecticut seeking help for his Obsessive Compulsive Disorder (OCD) diagnosis.

“I was spiralling in a direction I didn’t want to be going,” Knight told The Hockey News’ Ken Campbell in a recent interview.

Knight explained that issues began during his freshman season at Boston College in 2019, when the shared that — among other issues — he would habitually and uncontrollably wash his hands. Though the symptoms never really hurt his hockey career, going on to be drafted in the first round by the Panthers and winning a gold medal at the 2021 World Juniors, that began to change once he made the NHL.

During a game in Winnipeg, Knight outlined that didn’t feel too well. After being pulled, he was diagnosed with a case of the flu, though something beyond that was not right.

He explained further that he began to have obsessive thoughts of getting sick, and subsequently had trouble sleeping and couldn’t function because of it. Eventually, those issues led Knight to seek out professional help and enroll in the NHL/NHLPA player assistance program last February.

Knight spent his time working with an OCD expert and seeking more help on how to manage the disorder. Now, he says, having had the several months to learn more and get help, the 22-year-old is ready to really establish himself in the NHL.

“I can still be the player I want to be, and I still believe I can be one of the best goalies in this league,” Knight said. “Maybe it’s this year, maybe it’s next year, maybe it’s in three years or four years or five years. I don’t know. I know what I’m capable of accomplishing. It was there before and it has been there the whole time.”

In 57 career appearances, Knight boasts a .906 save percentage and a 2.91 goals against average. The 2019 First Round pick seems most likely be play a supporting role to Sergei Bobrovsky in between the pipes as the Panthers look to build upon their surprising run to the Stanley Cup Final.



Edited by RWJC
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OCD is kind of wild. Hopefully he gets it sorted. As much as can be. I am not super familiar with it, just that it kinda scares me. Feelings/need to do certain things that you can't control is spooky. Like, the idea that you aren't completely in control of yourself is weird to me. Hopefully all works out for him.

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I think this highlights the idea that everyone has their own issues going on. Sometimes they are manageable and not noticeable, whereas others are require more help (drugs, alcohol etc). I'm trying not to be as judgemental about people as much as possible because everyone's situation is different. I think overall, we need to be more compassionate about people.

OCD does not sound fun at all, especially with the way it's portrayed in the movies (yeah, not a great source for what OCD does). I'm so glad that I don't have to worry about the doors not clicking a certain amount. My ex-roommate was an OCD guy and HAD to have things a certain way, otherwise it would just mess with him. My sister also seemed to have some OCD, but other than that, there's a lot I don't know.

Hope Spencer gets the help he needs because it's obviously affecting everyone else around him.

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Whenever I hear someone has entered the assistance program, I automatically assume it’s because they have a drug or alcohol addiction and are seeking treatment for it. 

Not that having OCD is good, but I’m glad he’s not struggling with drug or alcohol addiction.

This article and thread was very informative and I learned a lot.

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Haven't been diagnosed, but I think I've experienced mild OCD during stressful times for me. Can be beyond frustrating when you want to sleep, but you feel the need to do stupid random little things that keep you awake. I feel for anyone who has it in such a way that it drastically affects their lives.

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1 hour ago, NucksinNorway said:

Look how far it sent with Corey Hirsch. OCD can be dangerous for some:



Yeah I remember reading that when it came out. Had no idea how serious it could be. Does make it seem pretty shitty when people always make light of it, "OMG I'm so OCD about blah blah blah".

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