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PTSC: Game #14 VAN @ TOR Nov 11 2023


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11 hours ago, Goalie29 said:

Another great game!  Congrats to @spook007, @Blaze04, @GasThomas and @RookieFan for correctly predicting the final score and game-winning-goalscorer.  Honourable mention to @Goalie29 (yay me again!), @Wing, @sashimi, @PhillipBlunt, @Barn Burner, @Nuts4Nux, @rackdawg, @Enigma, @AlwaysACanuckFan, @Jester13, @arsenalian, @EB43 and @Hogs and Podz for all correctly predicting the final score.


Updated leaderboard:



Next up, the Center of the Universe Maple Laughs, Saturday at 4:00 PST



Predict the winner, the score and the Game Winning Goal (or shootout).

  • Predict the winning team - 1pt
  • Predict the right score, but not the right team - 1pt
  • Predict the right team AND the right score - 3pts
  • Predict the Game Winning Goal scorer, OR predict the winning team in the shootout - 1pt
  • Predict the winning team, final score & GWG (or shootout) - 5pts


As always, only one prediction per game, no predictions or edits after puck drop, no conditional predictions and no gambling.  If you have questions, or think I have made a mistake in your score, please DM me. Full PTSC rules can be found in the season opening thread.


My predictions:

5 - 2 Canucks

Petey with the game winning goal


Good luck and Go :canucks: Go!



4-3 Leafs.


I love the Canucks and am proud the way they've played thus far but we're due for a loss.  

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