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Milan Lucic will be taking an indefinite LoA after a domestic incident.

Crimson JH

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11 hours ago, Ilunga said:


A lot of men also love their women. 


I waited a long time to meet what I thought was my soul mate.


My parents example of not only true devotion to each other, but also illustrating to me, the sum of the parts is greater than the whole, well I wanted nothing less to both give that and be a part of such a relationship.


What kind of domestic violence do you call it when the person you loved the most, until your son came along, tells you, you are not a real man because he cannot " give " you a child ?

I would have rather she hit me.

Bones and bruises heal.

That shit I will carry around with me for the rest of my life.


What kind of mother films their son self harming while denigrating the other parent at the same time ?


What kind of mother commits a harmful form of child abuse, Parental Alienation, telling their child their father, is not their father, simply because he is not his biological father ?


After all this I still kinda defend my ex to my friends.

We all make choices about the people we want to be.


I focus on both the good times we shared, and the fact that without her drive to have our son, he would not exist.

The best thing to ever happen to me would not have happened except for her. 


No matter what she has done, or will ever do, she will always be the mother of our beautiful boy.

For me, the words were worse than the bruises and broken nose. They stuck long after those had healed, so I really get it. And I'm sorry you had to carry that stuff.


I made sure not to bad mouth their dad to my kids. That would hurt them, it's their dad and they wanted to be proud of him. Despite him not being around much for them, I wanted them to have a relationship with him.


I forgave him too....for the same reasons. There will always be love in my heart for him, even though it was an ugly relationship at times. Beneath the layers, he had so much good in him...he loves animals like I do. He's a brilliant man and is the best at everything he does/tries. There was more there than just the person he turned into when rage and alcohol consumed him. It's deep rooted with him...it wasn't even about he and I. It's his battle with himself.


I'm just starting to work through it all. The stuff I crammed in there and never spoke about is now starting to bubble to the surface. 


Thanks for sharing your story/side of things. 


You're so right....those wounds cut much deeper.

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9 hours ago, -dlc- said:

For me, the words were worse than the bruises and broken nose. They stuck long after those had healed, so I really get it. And I'm sorry you had to carry that stuff.


I made sure not to bad mouth their dad to my kids. That would hurt them, it's their dad and they wanted to be proud of him. Despite him not being around much for them, I wanted them to have a relationship with him.


I forgave him too....for the same reasons. There will always be love in my heart for him, even though it was an ugly relationship at times. Beneath the layers, he had so much good in him...he loves animals like I do. He's a brilliant man and is the best at everything he does/tries. There was more there than just the person he turned into when rage and alcohol consumed him. It's deep rooted with him...it wasn't even about he and I. It's his battle with himself.


I'm just starting to work through it all. The stuff I crammed in there and never spoke about is now starting to bubble to the surface. 


Thanks for sharing your story/side of things. 


You're so right....those wounds cut much deeper.


While I don't want to down play physical violence, I believe emotional violence leaves a deeper lasting effect.

It scars a persons " soul ".


My ex was a victim of domestic violence as a child.

As far as I know it wasn't physical in nature, it was emotional/mental and coercive control, mostly from what I can gather.

Her father treated her mother, her and her 2 sisters as possessions. 



This is her sister



This highly intelligent, beautiful woman is basically a recluse.

We would only see her at our Christmas get together. 

She always had this aura of sadness about her.


As for my ex she is repeating to a certain extent what happened to her.

She is very controlling of our son's life.

He is will be 11 in a couple of weeks and he has been seeing a psychologist for over 4 years.

He is anxious all the time, and can barely spend the 6 hours away from her going to school. 


I feel so helpless in regards to being able to help him.


I have witnessed this cycle of people who were victims of domestic violence or witnessed their mother being a victim, repeating what they have witnessed.


One of the guys I grew up with watched his dad beat up his mum for years as a little kid.

When he was 13, he was a big kid/ guy, he beat the crap out of his dad. 

His dad never touched his mum or him again.


A few years later he started going out with one of my friends, he started to hit her after a while.

He was a much better fighter than me however I would still try and defend her.

I copped a few punches to the head, being told to mind my own business. 


There is actually a happy ending to this guys life, he eventually hooked up with another friend of ours, had 2 boys, was both a devoted father and partner.

He actually broke the cycle of abuse/violence.

Something many victims are unable to do.



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10 hours ago, -dlc- said:

Thing is, if you're in a relationship where you've been terrorized (that's what it was for me when he was drunk because I just never knew how far things would go), you're quick to jump. So this incident may not have been "too bad" but if there was a previous history the uncertainty of what was to come likely factored in. The fear of escalation because once someone's in that mode, it can quickly turn.


I also refused help...victim's services, etc. I was drained, tired. I didn't want to have to do any work, I just wanted peace.


I was quick to phone the cops toward the end....because, in my heart, I was truly scared of that one time where it could go way too far. There was always the potential for that (I even wrote a letter in case).


And I know all too well that it's not just women being abused. I saw my Mom do stuff when she drank and it was likely why the stuff with my ex was tolerated by me...it was familiar.


Alcohol causes more harm than illicit drugs 

Both on an individual and societal level.








I could post study after study that comes to this conclusion.


I never was a big drinker, however giving up drinking alcohol was one of the best things I ever did.


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He was probably a fourth line guy at best going into last season and now he's been off for a while, I'd be a bit surprised if anyone took a flyer on him at this point even if he were eligible. 


36 years-old and well past his best before date as a hockey player, it's tough for professional athletes to give up the driving force behind most of their lives but an NHL comeback doesn't seem realistic. Maybe he could land a contract in a lesser NA league or somewhere in Europe. 

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Who the hell would give him a shot now? He was hanging on by his finger nails as it was. Then you throw in smacking his wife around. Yeah, no thanks. Just fade into the background ya assclown.

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6 hours ago, gwarrior said:

Who the hell would give him a shot now? He was hanging on by his finger nails as it was. Then you throw in smacking his wife around. Yeah, no thanks. Just fade into the background ya assclown.

Yeah he was a PTO for me last year before this, now I would just pass entirely. 

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